Bergfink / Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)

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Wikipedia Bergfink. Foto: Quelle: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia Bergfink.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Fringilla; Unterfamilie Fringillinae; Familie Finken (Fringillidae)
Singvögel, Finken, ■■
Dieser Vogel erscheint jenseits grossen Meere in Kontinenten : Europa, Nordamerika, Afrika.
Geographie: the Brambling appears regularly in small numbers in Alaska during migration, straying the short distance across the Bering Sea. Some of those that stray across in autumn apparently then continue south on the American side, and there have been winter records for numerous states and provinces east to the Atlantic Coast and south to Colorado. Many of these vagrant Bramblings have been found visiting bird feeders. [Link]
Vokalisierung: Large repertoire of mostly characteristic sounds. [
Gesang: Song very distinct; a soft, wheezing, drawn-out single note. Repeated at the same pitch in a monotonous manner. [Link]
Rufe: Contact calls include a short, nasal, ascending "keeaa", a short high-pitched, piercing "tzeet" and a linnet-like "chepp". May be mistaken for Greenfinch, but note softer timbre and stable pitch throughout the call. [Link]
Körperlich: Länge=14 cm, Flügelspanne=25-26 cm, Gewicht=17-30 g
Habitate: Wald

Gesang: General: Bergfink - call cheep plus two ascending Grünfink squawks. Song? Grünfink squawk but not descending, every 3-4 seconds.
Song: Song very distinct; a soft, wheezing, drawn-out single note. Repeated at the same pitch in a monotonous manner. [Link]
Gesang Eigenschaften: Melody: einfach rhythmisch, langsam, Frequency: medium (1-5 KHz) Special sounds: Raspel Singing season: 04-14 - 09-15
Quelle: XENOCANTO XC731031 - Brambling - Fringilla montifringilla.mp3 (Gesang)

Ruf: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording

♫ XC731031 - Brambling - Fringilla montifringilla. Quelle: XENOCANTO XC731031 - Brambling - Fringilla montifringilla.mp3 (Gesang?)

Zuerst dokumentierte Beobachtung : 2023-02-01


Bergfink bei Bahnhof Fehraltorf. 2023-02-01 12.50.26

Bergfink schaut weg beim Luppmen, Fehraltorf. 2023-02-01 12.50.32

Weitere Bilder

Bergfink das erste Mal gesehen, am Luppmen beim Bahnhof Fehraltorf. 2023-02-01 12.48.06