Common nightingale / Nachtigall (Luscinia megarhynchos)

Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Luscinia megarhynchos - common nightingale in Wikipedia. Source: WIKIPEDIA Luscinia_megarhynchos - common nightingale in Wikipedia.jpg
Classification: Genus Luscinia; Family Thrushes (Turdidae)
General: The common nightingale, rufous nightingale or simply nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos), is a small passerine bird best known for its powerful and beautiful song. It was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family Turdidae, but is now more generally considered to be an Old World flycatcher, Muscicapidae.[2] It belongs to a group of more terrestrial species, often called chats. [more]
Vocalization: It consists of extremely resonant, full-bodied notes and lacks the, dry, rolling, rattling sounds of T.N. Most distinct species specific sound is the interwoven series of slightly ascending, plaintive notes (0.04 - 0.10 in recording). May mimic Thrush Nightningale!. [Link]
Song: The song is the best characteristic to separate it from T. Nightingale. [Link]
Calls: Alarm call either a thin, flycatcher-like "weeet", or a Chiff-chaff-like "piuu". Also a characteristic (but similar to Thrush Nighitingale) dry, rattling, frog-like "rrrrr". [Link]
Physical details: length=16 cm, wingspan=23-26 cm, weight=17-24 g
Habitats: Wetland

Song: Can be a sequence of unrelated weird but musical sounds - trills, churrs, human-like whistles - very amusing.
Song attributes: Melody: improvised melodic, slow, Frequency: medium (1-5 KHz) Special sounds: trill, whoop, weird Singing season: 04-15 - 06-30
Source: XENOCANTO XC505897 - Common Nightingale - Luscinia megarhynchos - song, recorded in Spain.mp3 Spain (song)

Call: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording

Source: BirdNet 20200419_070922 birdnet 302 - Common nightingale.mp3 2020-04-19 07.09.22 Luppmen (song?)

First documented observation : 2020-04-19 in Luppmen.


Common nightingales - das erste Mal das ich sie gesehen habe und direkt beim Haus in Fehraltorf. 2020-04-19 07.41.56 Luppmen

Nightingale concert Source: BirdNet 20200419_065411 birdnet 301 - Common nightingale.mp3 2020-04-19 06.54.11 Luppmen (song)

Nightingale concert Source: BirdNet 20200419_065400 birdnet 300 - Common nightingale.mp3 2020-04-19 06.54.00 Luppmen (song)

Additional Images

MerlinBirdID says could be Common nightingale. 2020-05-20 10.24.38 Pfäffikersee

Wikipedia Nachtigall. Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia Nachtigall.jpg

Additional Audio

♫ Nachtigall, Amsel, usw beim Teleport, Leuk. 2022-05-22 08.09.03 Leuk and surroundings (song?)

♫ Nachtigall, Amsel, usw beim Teleport, Leuk. 2022-05-22 08.09.03 Leuk and surroundings (song?)

Source: BirdNet 20210627_061921 birdnet 1752 - Common Nightingale, eher alpenmeise - Common Nightingale - Wildhaus.mp3 2021-06-27 06.19.21 Wildhaus (song?)

Source: BirdNet 20210519_081110 birdnet 1563 - Common Nightingale - 2021-05-19 08:11:= - Common Nightingale - Cudrefin.mp3 2021-05-19 08.11.10 La Sauge (song?)

Source: BirdNet 20210519_071541 birdnet 1557 - Common Nightingale - 2021-05-19 07:15:= - Common Nightingale - Cudrefin.mp3 2021-05-19 07.15.41 La Sauge (song?)

Source: BirdNet 20210510_120425 birdnet 1545 - Common Nightingale - 2021-05-10 12:04:= - Common Nightingale - Locarno.mp3 2021-05-10 12.04.25 Locarno (song?)

Source: BirdNet 20200618_073732 birdnet 675 i doubt Nightingale but check it out - Common nightingale.mp3 2020-06-18 07.37.32 Locarno (song?)

Source: BirdNet 20200618_073705 birdnet 672 3-note motif supposed to be Redstart, - Common nightingale.mp3 2020-06-18 07.37.05 Locarno (song?)

Source: BirdNet 20200603_085255 birdnet 575 - Common nightingale.mp3 2020-06-03 08.52.55 Hungerseeli (song?)