Schwarzmilan / Black kite (Milvus migrans)

Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Black kite in the air and on the ground Quelle: WIKIPEDIA Wikimedia Black_Kite_(Milvus_migrans).jpg
Systematik: Gattung Milvus; Unterfamilie Bussardartige (Accipitrinae); Familie Habichtartige (Accipitridae)
Greifvögel, Milane, ■■
This is on my list of birds to find, as it is supposed to be exist in this area,but I've never identified one. Their call (see Vogelwarte link) is a rapid sequence of whistles, and definitely distinct from that of the red kites. Visually they are harder to tell apart, but if you look closely, it should be clear: the black kite has less of a V in its tail and no big white patch at the wingtips. has a guide to distinguishing black and red kites, and says black are much rarer, but that is not true in Switzerland - says Switzerland has 2800–3500 red kites and 2000-3000 black kites.
Tenatively identified one flying high over Lake Lugano at San Salvatore in Ticino.
Often near water.
Vokalisierung: A piercing, first ascending then descending long "piuuu". Starting as a clear tone then gradually taking on a vibrating character that differs from Red Kite. Also a sharp "kieee -ki- ki-ki". More vocal than Red Kite. [Link]
Körperlich: Länge=55-60 cm, Flügelspanne=160-180 cm, Gewicht=630-941 g
Habitate: Landwirtschaft

Ruf: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording

Quelle: BirdNet 20210814_093255 birdnet 1932 - Wild guess was once black kite, check - Not analyzed - Volketswil.mp3 2021-08-14 09.32.55 (Gesang?)

Zuerst dokumentierte Beobachtung : 2021-04-03 in Carona.


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