Wood warbler / Waldlaubsänger (Phylloscopus sibilatrix)

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Wahrscheinlich Waldlaubsänger. 2022-05-22 09.52.22 Leuk and surroundings
Classification: Genus Phylloscopus; Family Phylloscopidae
General: The wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) is a common and widespread leaf warbler which breeds throughout northern and temperate Europe, and just into the extreme west of Asian Russia in the southern Ural Mountains. [more]
Song: kurze Reihe (4-10) v. Stakkatotönen, gefolgt von abfallendem Schwirrroller. (Tönt wie das Anlassen eines Velosolex) Während des Gesanges schwebender Schwirrflug. Dazu hört man eine Reihe angenehmer Pfeiflaute wie „djü“ [Link]
Song distinct. An accelerating series of sharp, metallic "swee-swee-swee-swee". Alternative (piping) song a series of 4-6 piping, plaintive and descending "pew - pew" calls. Resembles Willow Tit's song, but is softer with each note more evenly pitched. Contact call similar to individual syllables of piping song, but with heavier accent on the ending. [Link]
Calls: „düü“ [Link]
Typically with a staccato beginning. Pitch drops as the speed increases and the syllables fuses into a continuous trill. Often described as the sound of a spinning coin coming to rest on a glass table. Some phrases may be given in an almost even tempo, and may recall Bonelli's Warbler. [Link]
Physical details: length=12 cm, wingspan=19-24 cm, weight=8-12 g
Habitats: Forest

Song: Sid-sid-sid-sirrrr. 3 secs, then 5 secs pause. At bird-song.ch I hear a slow-fast one-noter, about 8 slow ones in 1.5 seconds, then a trill of 25 fast ones.
Song attributes: Melody: simple rhythmic, fast, Frequency: 5-8 KHz Special sounds: trill
Source: XENOCANTO XC727564 - Wood Warbler - Phylloscopus sibilatrix - song.mp3 (song)

First documented observation : 2022-05-22 in Leuk and surroundings.