Maienfeld 2023 Prep Cheatsheet

Images and brief info about song and calls. A total of 25 species is included.
Non-musical Non-musical: rasp Non-musical: rattle Simple rhythmic Simple rhythmic: trill Stereotype melodic Stereotype melodic: trill Stereotype melodic: fluting Improvised melodic Improvised melodic: trill Improvised melodic: rasp Sings 30 seconds or longer Sings 5-19 seconds One note
Name/Image Song mnemonic/description Description
Eurasian wryneck / Wendehals (Jynx torquilla)
Wendehals in Susten. 2022-05-21 10.28.36 Leuk and surroundings Profile
Song Woodpecker-like series of up to 25 slightly rising calls. ♫ XC800958 - Eurasian Wryneck - Jynx torquilla. Source: XENOCANTO XC800958 - Eurasian Wryneck - Jynx torquilla.mp3 (song?)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Wendehals, bolle magadino. 2021-05-10 08.28.04 Magadino (song?)
Song: Reihe von 8-12 Pfeiftönen. Klingt fast etwas heiser., Jeder Ruf etwas absinkend. Die Tonhöhe kann innerhalb der Reihe etwas schwanken, etwas zunehmen und eindringlicher werden. Klangfarbe weich, obertönig. [Link] Song: Song (both sexes): an insisting, Merlin- or Lesser Spotted Woodpecker-like series of plaintive "kee kee kee kee kee ". First slightly ascending, then descending. [Link]
Eurasian green woodpecker / Grünspecht (Picus viridis) Profile Song Spooky laugh. ♫ Source: BirdNet 20201108_143547 birdnet 1072 Alter Zuerichweg - European green woodpecker - Fehraltorf.mp3 2020-11-08 14.35.47 Fehraltorf (song?)
Calls Hysterical laughter. 7-8 loud urgent slightly falling notes, reminding me of George of the Jungle's dooky dooky bird for some reason. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC627157 Gruenspecht laughing call.mp3 (call)

Song: Helles Lachen. Weiche, oft leicht abfallende Tonreihe. Variabel in Lautstärke und Silbenzahl. je nach Stimmung. Wenn abfallend dann vom Anfang der Rufreihe an. Auch dreisilbig „kiäckkiäckkiäck“. [Link] Song: Song similar to Grey-headed Woodpecker, but not as soft and fluty. Each phrase consist of a series of short "klee", with a laughing quality. Pitch drops slightly throughout the phrase, but not as markedly as in Grey-headed, and tempo is fairly constant (no ritardando). [Link] Calls: Short "kek" calls when excited and in flight. Drumming of 1.5 seconds duration with decelerating tempo, but not often heard. Another call is similar to Black Woodpecker; a series of resonant "klit-klit-klit-klit-klit-klit", but is less clear, has a more determined start and has less obvious rising pitch at the end of each syllable. [Link]
Non-musical: rasp
Fieldfare / Wacholderdrossel (Turdus pilaris)
Wacholderdrossel am Luppmen in Fehraltorf 2021-01-16 14.28.10 Profile
Song BirdID says song a mix of dry contact calls, BirdLife that it's almost only heard in flight. The XC recording is a bit of a chuckle to me. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC769296 - Fieldfare - Turdus pilaris - song, a series of contactcalls.mp3 (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20220622_155937 birdnet - Wacholderdrossel bei Wauwilermoos - Wacholderdrossel - Alberswil.mp3 2022-06-22 15.59.37 Wauwilermoos (song?)
Personal notes: I had an interesting educational experience with fieldfares! Check it out under Redwing. Song: Gesang nicht melodisch,aus gepressten, quietschenden Tönen bestehend, fast nur im Flug vorgetragen. [Link] Song: Song a mix of dry contact calls; "trrrt trrrrt", and high pitched, drawn out, chattering improvisations. [Link] Calls: Schackernd, ähnlich obiger Art [Misteldrossel], aber weicher. Am Brutplatz raue krächzende Rufe. [Link] Calls: Scolding call a hard "check", often given in decelerating series. Contact call in migration a soft, pleasant but, buzzy "weet". Typically bursts into continuos, squeaky chattering at takeoff. [Link]
Non-musical: rattle
Mistle thrush / Misteldrossel (Turdus viscivorus)
Misteldrossel. 2020-05-07 12.56.02 Hungerseeli Profile
Song Song: Gesang ähnlich Amsel, aber eintöniger mit geringerem Tonumfang [auch kürzer, kein schnirpsliges Ende -- Bill] [Link] ♫ XC800869 - Mistle Thrush - Turdus viscivorus. Source: XENOCANTO XC800869 - Mistle Thrush - Turdus viscivorus.mp3 (song?)

Calls General: I mistook this one for a woodpecker the first time I heard it, partly because BirdNet also did! Rattle generated in vocal tract, not with the beak!
Song: Gesang ähnlich dem der Amsel, aber weniger abwechslungsreich und melancholisch, fast weinerlich klingend. Meist von Tannenspitze aus. [Link] Song: Song loud, far reaching and melodic. Most similar to Blackbird, but pitch is higher, phrases shorter (3-6 notes) and most notably, pauses between phrases are much shorter. All which gives the song a much more hurried feel than that of the Blackbird. Timbre is thinner and slightly shivering, and tonal range more limited. May have recurring favourite motifs, but does not repeat phrases like Song Thrush. Sometimes adds higher pitched parts and imitations. [Link] Calls: Rufe:schnarrend „kerr“, daneben „tück-tück-tück“ [Link] Calls: Other calls; a dry rattle, likened to the sound of a piece of wood drawn over a coarse comb, and a Fieldfare-like "chuck". [Link] Similar to: Common blackbird
Simple rhythmic
Common cuckoo / Kuckuck (Cuculus canorus)
Wikipedia Kuckuck, Cuculus canorus. Von Locaguapa - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia Kuckuck, Cuculus canorus.jpg Profile
Song Two-noter ♫ XC801215 - Common Cuckoo - Cuculus canorus. Source: XENOCANTO XC801215 - Common Cuckoo - Cuculus canorus.mp3 (song?)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ XC801215 - Common Cuckoo - Cuculus canorus. Source: XENOCANTO XC801215 - Common Cuckoo - Cuculus canorus.mp3 (song?)

Song: Männchen: Unverwechselbarer Ruf. Weibchen: im Frühling eine kichernde Rufreihe, [Link] Song: Song: the well known disyllabic "cuck-coo" with emphasis on first note, and the second note a third lower than the first one. Also a harsh "tchaa tchaa", and a bubbly trill, reminiscent of Little Grebe, uttered by the female. [Link] Calls: wie „kwickkwickkwick“, 6-8 dicht gereihte, fast metallisch klingende Laute, von unten her angeschlagen. Jungkuckucke betteln durchdringend „ssrieb“ [Link]
Cirl bunting / Zaunammer (Emberiza cirlus)
Zaunammer in den Reben bei Maienfeld. 2021-05-29 08.48.26 Maienfeld Profile
Song sings beg Feb to mid July; me: long trill similar to yellowhammer ♫ XC758664 - Cirl Bunting - Emberiza cirlus - one-note song recorded in Spain. Source: XENOCANTO XC758664 - Cirl Bunting - Emberiza cirlus - one-note song recorded in Spain.mp3 Spain (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20220410_143737 birdnet - Zaunammer, eventuell auch Girlitz, Zippammer - Zaunammer.mp3 2022-04-10 14.37.37 Mallorca (song?)
Personal notes: Als Anfänger, hätte ich gedacht, dies wäre eine Goldammer, da beide gelb mit braunen Details sind; BirdID meint sie sind kompakter. Das Männchen ist eher gelb und hat was für mich wie drei brauen Streifen im Gesicht aussehen. Die Goldammer hat kaum braun am Kopf. Das Weibchen ist weniger gelb und mehr braun. Siehe BirdID für gute Bilder und Beschreibung der Erkennungsmerkmale. Song: BirdID says song like yellowhammer with no ending. I see what they mean - it's more like 16 or so trilled repetitions of the same note, and no leap up to 'lieb' as in the German Goldammer mnemonic. Song: Wie Goldammer, aber ohne das „lieb“.und etwas tiefer. Ähnlich Klappergrasmücke. [Link] Song: Song variable, but can generally be described as a Yellowhammer phrase with no ending, or an Arctic Warbler with bunting timbre. Tempo also variable, but rhythm always even. [Link] Calls: Sehr ähnlich denen der obigen Art [Goldammer]. [Link] Calls: Alarm call a thin "tseeep", similar to Rock Bunting, but more drawn out. [Link] Similar to: Song thrush , Common nightingale , Eurasian golden oriole
Spotted flycatcher / Grauschnäpper (Muscicapa striata)
In a pinch barbed wire will do instead of a tree branch. Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia-300px-SpottedFlycatcheronfence.jpg Profile
Song High (6-8 KHz?) short sound repeated every half to 5 seconds. ♫ XC656714 - Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata. Source: XENOCANTO XC656714 - Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata.mp3 (song?)

Calls General: To me something between a one-note and an extremely simple melody, namely med-med chk-hi-med-med, with a very irregular speed, not at all like a metronome.
Call: Most calls high pitched with a buzzing, "electric" timbre. [Link]XC656714 - Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata - Sounds similar to what I know. Source: XENOCANTO XC656714 - Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata.mp3 (call)

Song: Gesang 'unauffaellig' - zirp x 2-3, mal steigender tWIT Song: Song a primitive, slow series of various buzzing and very high pitched sounds. No recurring phrases. [Link] Calls: The discreet calls often goes unnoticed. Most calls high pitched with a buzzing, "electric" timbre. Alarm call a sharp, drawn "tzreeeee-check", with the second syllable abruptly clipping the sound. [Link]
Marsh tit / Sumpfmeise (Poecile palustris)
Photographed on the Luppmen in September 2019 I didn't recognize it then but I'm pretty sure now. 2019-09-22 18.45.30 Luppmen Profile
Song Higher-pitched than great tit, sometimes repetitive 1- and 2-note tunes like them, sometimes simple melodies, usually pure, sometimes chirpy or raspy. BirdID at Nord U says 'Song: A simple one or two note call repeated in series. Usually rising slightly in pitch, and with a "liquid" quality.'. At it's hl-rest-hl, or 7-8 2-noter swoops. names lh-break-hl as a pistjä call and also has a series of 7 or 8 falling 'swoops'. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC727754 - Marsh Tit - Poecile palustris.mp3 (song)

Calls Falling note, relatively long, sometimes repeated - like the pee below without the choo? ♫ Call from Xeno-Canto Source: XENOCANTO XC594764 marsh tit call.mp3 (call)

Song: Klapperlied - 6-8 Noten 'angeschlagen' Song: Klapperlied. Reihe (6-8) weich angeschlagene Töne mittlerer Höhe. Ähnlich der Klappergrasmücke aber weicher. (Sumpf ist weich) Oft auch Rufe wie „psja“ zu hören. Ziemlich scharf u. gepresst. [Link] Calls: Most typical call an explosive, sneeze-like "pee-choo", starting high-pitched and ending on a lower note.
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Simple rhythmic: trill
Lesser whitethroat / Klappergrasmücke (Sylvia curruca)
Wikipedia: Lesser whitethroat Source: OTHER Sylvia_curruca_1_%28Martin_Mecnarowski%29.jpg Profile
Song Song typically consists of two parts. An indistinct chattering and warbling, subsong-like part similar to [common] Whitethroat, which is usually followed by a dry, fast and rattling trill. The trill carries much further than the chattering part. May be difficult to identify if trill is omitted. [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC652419 - Lesser Whitethroat - Sylvia curruca - song.mp3 (song)

Calls BirdID says: Warning call a hard "check" similar to Blackcap but slightly softer ♫ Source: OTHER 575779 (call)
Song: Klappernd. (Müllerchen) An Berglaubsänger erinnernd. Klappertöne (5-8) Aber oft mit leisem schwatzendem Vorgesang, der fehlen kann. Kann auch an Sumpfmeise erinnern, doch sind bei dieser die Klappertöne mehr von oben her angeschlagen. [Link] Song: Song typically consists of two parts. An indistinct chattering and warbling, subsong-like part similar to Whitethroat, which is usually followed by a dry, fast and rattling trill. The trill carries much further than the chattering part. May be difficult to identify if trill is omitted. [Link] Calls: „tze“ oder „tett“ [Link] Calls: Warning call a hard "check" similar to Blackcap but slightly softer. [Link] Similar to: European greenfinch
Stereotype melodic
Eurasian golden oriole / Pirol (Oriolus oriolus)
Wikimedia Eurasian golden oriole. Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikimedia Eurasian golden oriole.jpg Profile
Song A soft, lowish whistling. In my opinion, the golden oriole has a beautiful voice, but no imagination as to melody - it's always the same few notes. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC567973 eurasian golden oriole song.mp3 (song)

Calls 3 somewhat harsh ascending notes, more melodic than a Eurasian jay call ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC565722 eurasian golden oriole call.mp3 (call)

Song: Varied repertoire, but song and common contact call very distinct. Song a series of 1-2 seconds long phrases of 3-5 yodeling, clear, fluting notes, interspersed with 2-3 second pauses. Tone very full-bodied, melodic and pleasing. [Link] Calls: Flötenrufen Oft wird der Gesang allerdings vom Star treffend ähnlich nachgeahmt. [Link] Calls: Contact call surprisingly different: A forced, drawn "weeackt", slightly resembling Jay, but less harsh, and much more nasal. Other sounds include a Wryneck-like warning call. [Link]
Common redstart / Gartenrotschwanz (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)
Common redstart on a cable In Locarno-Monti 2020-06-17 14.29.54 Locarno Profile
Song I though I had these guys figured out after hearing them in Locarno several times, but they're hard to get a handle on! At BirdID they are described the first two parts of a three-part song like this: 'an ascending single note, immediately followed by a trill', whereas in Locarno I heard an initial high-low-high-low, sometimes without the final low, perhaps also a quick middle note, and no trill. Then a relatively short blackbird or warbler-like tune of maybe 5-8 notes. Listening to more recordings at XenoCanto has completely confused me now! BirdID also says the song is similar to the black redstart, which I sometimes hear at XenoCanto, but never did in Locarno! They also note a similarity to the Lesser Whitethroat (Klappergrasmücke), which I hope to hear in Maienfeld. ♫ 2021-05-10 05.07.35 Locarno (song)
Calls At least in French, this is called the huit call. Not very consistent in tone from one note to another. Some stick to 3-4 or 3-4.5 KHz, others 2.5-5.5. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC551707 - Common Redstart - Phoenicurus phoenicurus.mp3 (call)

Personal notes: I'd only seen them in Locarno - but I liked them! Later in our FOK expediton to cultural areas around Maienfeld, they were quite common. Also heard many near Frankfurt and Mainz. Personal notes: I'd only seen them in Locarno - but I liked them! Later in our FOK expediton to cultural areas around Maienfeld, they were quite common. Also heard many near Frankfurt and Mainz. Song: Fängt immer mit denselben 3 Tönen an, einem „dih dede“, wobei das dih etwa ein bis zwei Töne höher liegt. Dann folgt eine kurze Strophe mehr oder weniger reine Töne. Das Ganze ist ziemlich individuell. [Link] Song: Song distinct, with three parts: First an ascending single note, immediately followed by a trill, then concluding with a squeaky, rattling improvisation that usually contains some mimicry. [Link] Calls: „Füid-tack“ das füid ähnlich dem des Fitislaubsängers, das tack schnalzend. (wie wenn man die Zunge schnell vom Gaumen abzieht) [Link] Calls: Alarm call a slightly drawn, Willow Warbler-like "huit" with a rising pitch, followed by a short, soft "tuc". [Link] Similar to: Lesser whitethroat (So says BirdID) , Black redstart (So says BirdID) , Common blackbird (So say I - shorter, with stereotyped beginning)
Long-tailed tit / Schwanzmeise (Aegithalos caudatus)
Schwanzmeise am Pfäffikersee 2021-02-05 13.32.24 Pfäffikersee Profile
Song Diddly doot-doot-doot-doot General: Meistens hoert man das Pfief...chk..chk..Pfief von den Rufen, siehe dort.
Song: Nabu: Der Gesang ist ein feines Trillern und selten zu hören (someone at XenoCanto compares it to a blue tit trill). [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC572437 - Long-tailed Tit - Aegithalos caudatus - song.mp3 (song)

Calls Die fast ständig geäusserten, hohen Rufe verraten die kleinen, rastlosen Turner im Gezweig meist schon, bevor sie zu sehen sind. [Link]Flight call from XenoCanto Source: XENOCANTO XC517804 Long-tailed tit flight call.mp3 (flight call)

Song: Song: high tsee-tsee; funny downhill trill
Common house martin / Mehlschwalbe (Delichon urbicum)
Mehlschwalben in Maienfeld. 2021-05-29 08.11.14 Maienfeld Profile
Song Song: Mehlschwalbe klingt weniger melodisch als der Rauchschwalbe [Link]
Merry improv of chirping, contact call [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC730813 - Common House Martin - Delichon urbicum - song and call according to recordist Fernando Aranguren Jiménez, recorded in Spain.mp3 Spain (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20200810_144528 birdnet 864 flight call - Common house martin.mp3 2020-08-10 14.45.28 Luppmen (flight call)
Song: Song a merry improvisation of chirping, contact call-like sounds (sometimes recalling a budgerigar). [Link] Calls: Contact call a rolling "krreet". Similar to Sand Martin but noticeably dryer, more rolling and less raucous. Typically varies the pitch of the call more. Warning call a sharp and plaintive "tsreee". [Link]
Eurasian treecreeper / Waldbaumläufer (Certhia familiaris)
As seen creeping up a tree trunk Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikimedia - European Treecreeper - Certhia_familiaris_-climbing_tree-8_(cropped_version).jpg Profile
Song Sagging tree branch I say: it sounds like a faster higher chaffinch song. Wikipedia says: The male's song begins with srrih, srrih followed in turn by a few twittering notes, a longer descending ripple, and a whistle that falls and then rises. ♫ XC656422 - Eurasian Treecreeper - Certhia familiaris - song, recorded in Sweden. Source: XENOCANTO XC656422 - Eurasian Treecreeper - Certhia familiaris - song, recorded in Sweden.mp3 (song)

Calls General: Wikipedia says: The contact call is a very quiet, thin and high-pitched sit, but the most distinctive call is a penetrating tsree, with a vibrato quality, sometimes repeated as a series of notes.
Fairly regularly spaced single tseep at 7-9KHz.
Call: Contact call a drawn, high-pitched "tzreeee". Similar to Goldcrest in timbre, but of longer duration with a vibrating and slightly rolling tone. Generally repeated in evenly paced, slow series (unlike Goldcrest). [Link] ♫ XC206282 Eurasian treecreeper call. Source: XENOCANTO XC206282 Eurasian treecreeper call.mp3 (call)

Song: Lang u. klar! (Waldwege sind lang). Tonreihe im Ganzen absinkend, nur letzter Ton höher. [Link] Song: Song a short, continuous three-part phrase. [Link] Calls: weniger scharf, „srih,“ weniger eindringlich als oben [Link] Calls: Contact call a drawn, high-pitched "tzreeee". Similar to Goldcrest in timbre, but of longer duration with a vibrating and slightly rolling tone. Generally repeated in evenly paced, slow series (unlike Goldcrest). Each phrase starts with a few contact call-like notes followed by a Willow Warbler-like descending part, which then jumps to a few descending high notes to form a marked conclusion. Note that "mixed singers" are not uncommon in areas where both species of treecreepers occur. [Link]
Common linnet / Bluthänfling (Linaria cannabina)
Bluthänfling. 2023-05-27 13.11.50 Amden Hinder Hoechi Profile
Song General: Aehnlich wie ein Rohrsaenger aber nur kurze Segmente mit klaren Pausen.
Song: Nabu: Sein Gesang umfasst trillernde, kurze und musikalische pfeifende Laute, unter anderem „piUU“, „trrüh“ und „tu-ki-jüüh“. [Link]
Song: Gesang ist fast Rohrsänger-artig, relativ hoch und zirpend. Manchmal mit kleinen Pausen. bird-song Aufnahme where kurz, llll mhllll [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC705526 - Common Linnet - Linaria cannabina cannabina - song, recorded in England.mp3 (song)

Song: Gesang fuer mich aehnlich wie Gruenfink. Song: Song a varied, sweet stream of contact calls, mimicry and trills with a staccato feel. [Link] Calls: Flight-call a quick and "bouncing" "gig-gig" or "tchett-tchett". Most often disyllabic utterances, while Twite seems to vary more the number of syllables. Tone harder and more bouncing. Most easily recognized by the frequently interwoven, disyllabic contact calls. [Link]
European pied flycatcher / Trauerschnäpper (Ficedula hypoleuca)
Trauerschnaepper. 2021-05-04 09.33.06 Flachsee am Reuss Profile
Song Schwarzer Kopf aber nicht traurig Nice short melody, often with 2-note parts. Blackbird-like but little variation (though differs in dialect). ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC723965 - European Pied Flycatcher - Ficedula hypoleuca - song.mp3 (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20210504_093346 birdnet - European Pied Flycatcher - Unterlunkhofen.mp3 2021-05-04 09.33.46 Flachsee am Reuss (song?)
Appearance and identification: Kleiner SW Vogel, Kopf schwarz mit weissem Punkt an der Stirn, Bauch weiss. Gesang gar nicht traurig! [Link] Song: Song a pleasant, tuneful, simple but varied phrase. [Link] Calls: Alarm call a sharp, energetic "wit", often in combination with a short "tic"; "whit-tic". Typically starts with disyllabic notes being repeated 3-5 times, diminishing in pitch and intensity like an echo of the first two syllables. Occasionally throws in a quick diagnostic ascending scale excercise. Clear notes and well defined pauses between phrases. [Link] Similar to: Common blackbird
Stereotype melodic: trill
Grey wagtail / Gebirgsstelze (Motacilla cinerea)
Gebirgsstelze am Wissbach. 2024-04-27 09.16.16 Schachen, Tobel Wissbach till Degersheim Profile
Song BirdID says Song simple but variable. I hear trills up to 2 seconds long and chirps. Another description says a series of calls, not very melodic. I noted zwitx3, sometimes hhhhhll. [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC767550 - Grey Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea - song with trills and a cheek-cheek.mp3 (song)

Song: Song simple but variable. Sometimes with more elaborate song-flight like White Wagtail. [Link] Calls: Contact call short, metallic and with a clipped ending. Often disyllabic, "tzeet-tzeet", with each syllable more separated than in White Wagtail, and timbre more "dirty". Often starts with the contact call, followed by short melodic phrases. [Link]
Stereotype melodic: fluting
European goldfinch / Stieglitz (Carduelis carduelis)
Nach Disteln mögen sie Sonnenblumenkerne 2020-10-13 09.21.10 Luppmen Profile
Song General: Hectic sing-song, quite chaotic in feeding groups. But kept as songbird, so I guess more melodic when singing solo. A bit like a black cap warbler (Mönchsgrasmücke).
Gesang hat eine Struktur (und ist langsamer als der Girlitz): Zuerst eine kleine Melodie hoch und runter; dann vielleicht ein Gruenfink-Triller, dann 4 wiederholte Noten oder ein neues Melodiechen. (Oder kommen diese Elemente eher zufaellig?) ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC638230 - European Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis.mp3 (song)

Calls Wild melody (remember these birds are also kept as songbirds in cages. the German name Stieglitz imitates its call (sti-ge-lit) - though I don't hear that! [Link]Xeno-Canto recording Adult call recorded in the UK. Source: XENOCANTO XC468566 European Goldfinch call in UK.mp3 (call)

Song: Name stammt angeblich vom Gesang: ein steigernder sti-ge-litt. Song: My first (multilingual) notes: Stieglitz like Grünfink, fast, high, occasional trills. Occasionally ends a bit with falling note like buchfink Song: Mir wurde erst in St. Moritz in Juli 2021 bewusst wie aehnlich der Steiglitz wie ein Gruenfink klingt - beide koennen lange Gesang mit Trillern und rauhen sinkenden Toenen singen, und ich habe Stieglitz v.a. durch dieses Stoehnen fuer Gruenfink gehalten. Song: Contact-call distinct, and also constitutes a major part of the song. A sharp and explosive "witt", or "tzee-witt". Sometimes given as a single syllable, di- or trisyllabic, or as continuous series. The song is comprised of rapid series of the contact call, interrupted by drawn-out melodic notes and trills. [Link] Calls: Other calls: A harsh budgerigar or house martin-like "trrrtt-trrrrt". [Link] Similar to: European greenfinch (Higher pitched than the greenfinch, easily hitting 9 KHz rather than 6.5 KHz)
Improvised melodic
Whinchat / Braunkehlchen (Saxicola rubetra)
Mysterium im Rapsfeld von Friedliweid 2020-04-27 11.29.08 Luppmen Profile
Song General: Short buzzy trilly sounds, 5-8 notes, high.
Song: Gesang hat zwei Teile wie erster und dritter vom Hausrotschwanz. Steigend, fallend. [Link] ♫ XC775379 - Whinchat - Saxicola rubetra - song, recorded in Sweden. Source: XENOCANTO XC775379 - Whinchat - Saxicola rubetra - song, recorded in Sweden.mp3 (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20210504_074338 birdnet 1496 - Whinchat, review this id, its possible but I didn't see it - Whinchat - Rottenschwil.mp3 2021-05-04 07.43.38 Flachsee am Reuss (song?)
Personal notes: Diesen Vogel haben wir paarweise in einem Rapsfeld entdeckt. Von weitem konnte man nur etwas orange Farbe entdecken. Ich habe ihn 2 Tage später im gleichen Feld gesucht und bin um das ganze Feld gelaufen. Erst am Ende habe ich ihn gesehen: am Anfang, sicher 100m von mit entfernt und um 2 Ecken. Da habe ich dieses Foto gemacht und in Büchern, Apps und Internet nach seiner Identität gesucht. Als ich ein sehr ähnliches Bild auf gefunden habe, wo er auch auf einer Rapspflanze drauf sitzt, sah ich es als bestätigt, dass es ein Braunkelchen war.

Song: Song: Kurzes (3-7 Töne) Liedchen mit 1-2 Kreischlauten, (ähnlich der Mittellaute b. Hausrotschwanz) variabel. Ahmt auch andere Vögel nach. [Link] Song: Song variable with lots of mimicry. The short phrases starts with dry, rattling or sneering trills, followed by clear whistling notes and expert mimicry. More varied, both in tone and tempo, than both Stonechat and Wheatear. [Link] Calls: „teck, teck“ (ähnlich wie wenn man zwei Steine zusammen schlägt) [Link] Calls: Contact call resembles many of it relatives. A short, soft "peeu", followed by a hard "check" (like hitting two rocks together). [Link]

Improvised melodic: trill
Common nightingale / Nachtigall (Luscinia megarhynchos)
Luscinia megarhynchos - common nightingale in Wikipedia. Source: WIKIPEDIA Luscinia_megarhynchos - common nightingale in Wikipedia.jpg Profile
Song Can be a sequence of unrelated weird but musical sounds - trills, churrs, human-like whistles - very amusing. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC505897 - Common Nightingale - Luscinia megarhynchos - song, recorded in Spain.mp3 Spain (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20200419_070922 birdnet 302 - Common nightingale.mp3 2020-04-19 07.09.22 Luppmen (song?)
Song: The song is the best characteristic to separate it from T. Nightingale. [Link] Calls: Alarm call either a thin, flycatcher-like "weeet", or a Chiff-chaff-like "piuu". Also a characteristic (but similar to Thrush Nighitingale) dry, rattling, frog-like "rrrrr". [Link]
Improvised melodic: rasp
Northern wheatear / Steinschmätzer (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Male northern wheatear, photo by Andreas Trepte - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5 Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikimedia Steinschmaetzer_Northern_wheatear_male.jpg Profile
Song The Wheatear song consists of short phrases with marked pauses. Each phrase is often introduced by the "weet" sound, then followed by hastened, creaking, rattling and warbling sounds of 1-2 seconds duration. The "check" sound is also often included in the song. [Link]Source: XENOCANTO XC730221 - Northern Wheatear - Oenanthe oenanthe - song recorded in France, just 2-3 notes, then long pause.mp3 (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20210729_130731 birdnet 1864 - Northern Wheatear at lej muragl - Northern Wheatear - Samedan.mp3 2021-07-29 13.07.31 Lej muragl (song?)
Song: Kurze, wechselvolle Strophe mit vielen unreinen Tönen. Meist von erhöhter Warte aus oder in kurzem Singflug vorgetragen. [Link] Song: The Wheatear song consists of short phrases with marked pauses. The "check" sound is also often included in the song. [Link] Calls: „Tschack“ auch „hiit“ (saugend) [Link] Calls: Contact and alarm call a high pitched, sharp "weet", followed by a hard "check", like hitting two rocks together. The "weet" sound is much sharper than the similar sound in Whinchat and Stonechat. Wheater usually repeats the "weet" sound more frequently than the "check" sound. The "check" of Stonechat is less pure and more gritty. [Link]
Sings 30 seconds or longer
Red-backed shrike / Neuntöter (Lanius collurio)
Neutoeter bei La Sauge 2022-06-25 08.43.44 Profile
Song Reminds me a bit of a Rohrsaenger/Feldlerche with its short, varied bits. BirdID says Song surprisingly varied with many expert imitations of small passerines, interwoven with bell-like ringing and dry chirping sounds. May be confusing and hard to identify if bird not seen. Song not very loud, but phrases can be very long. 'May be confusing' - tell me about it! What's not confusing about trying to tell apart 422 species of Swiss birds! ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC570644 - Marsh Warbler - Acrocephalus palustris - song.mp3 (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20220604_131617 birdnet - Neuntöter - Uznach.mp3 2022-06-04 13.16.17 Uznach (song?)
Personal notes: Saw this masked bandit at Maienfeld. I was also told where to find it in the hedges at the Stille Reuss in Rottenschwil. Similar to: Marsh warbler (Sounds like a more melodic, less staccato marsh warbler to me, see above.) , Eurasian skylark (Reminds me a a Skylark (Feldlerche) with its short, varied bits.)
Eurasian skylark / Feldlerche (Alauda arvensis)
Wikipedia Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis). Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia Eurasian Skylark (Alauda_arvensis).jpg Profile
Song Fast chirpy improvization without a break, not very high, reminds me of a nightingale or a Eurasian reed warbler/Teichrohrsänger with the exact rhythm, but most likely sung in a cornfield. Or a Singdrossel that repeats its elements longer that that guy. Repeats elements 1-8 times. Sometimes buzzy/trilly. Can go on for minutes at a time. Ich habe es auch mit einem Amsel verwechselt, da er lang und melodisch, fast wie Amsel aber hört nicht auf. ♫ Source: XENOCANTO XC685846 - Eurasian Skylark - Alauda arvensis - song, recorded in France.mp3 (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20220625_082224 birdnet - Feldlerche im Maisfeld bei La Sauge - birdnet_mobile_5867288364_recording_3659.mp3 2022-06-25 08.22.24 La Sauge (song?)
Good to know: Aus dem Kurzjahresbericht BirdLife Schweiz 2022: Die Feldlerche, vogel der Jahres 2022..., ist eihne dieser bredrohten Arten, welche durch die Industrialisierung der Landwirtschaft ausgerottet wird. [Link] Appearance and identification: Somewhat like a house sparrow but 18-19 cm long, not 14-15, kleiner als Star. Ruffled head feathers. NABU says streaks on breast contrast with white belly. [Link] Song: Song a pleasing energetic stream of chirping, merry trills, interspersed with mimicry. Trills quite resonant with fairly full tone. Song usually given in flight high in the air. Less characteristic, shorter, weaker and more varied song when given from ground. [Link] Calls: Most typical flight call a short trilling "chirrup", with the end note noticeably lower pitched than the start. Also several other more cryptic calls. [Link]
Sings 5-19 seconds
European serin / Girlitz (Serinus serinus)
Wikipedia Girlitz Serinus serinus. Von Andreas Trepte - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 2.5, Link Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia Girlitz_Serinus_serinus.jpg Profile
Song Song: Weird hectic song, and you'll probably hear them but not see them, which is a shame, because they're a colorful yellow bird. The song seems to defy description - described variously as the jingling of a bunch of keys, like crushing glass or the pouring of broken glass (the German Wikipedia refers to a nickname 'Glasscutter'), the sound of a cork twising in a bottle (Thomas Seilnacht on, and one source I can no longer find talked about a ruined cassette tape. A Portuguese web site aptly calls it 'a high-pitched and fast rambled sum of indistinctive elements', and U. Cornell's calls it frantically fast, 'a prolonged, wheezy, chirping', 'a buzzing trill'.
Das Gesangsrepertoire umfasst über 50 komplexe Silben, die in einem sehr schnellen Tempo und einer sehr stereotypen Reihenfolge eigene Lieder bilden. Starke Variationen finden sich im Übergang von einer Tour (zusammenhängenden Abfolge von Silben, also (Teil-)Strophe) in eine andere (Modulation). Das Gesangsrepertoire ist unter den Stieglitzartigen (Carduelinae) einzigartig.[1] Zudem umfasst es eine variable Menge an Silben, die auch im Gesang anderer Vögel verwendet werden. Es konnte bewiesen werden, dass die Komposition des Repertoires geographisch variiert. [Wikipedia setzt sich ernsthaft mit dem Gesang auseinander]Source: XENOCANTO XC637940 - European Serin - Serinus serinus - song, recorded in France.mp3 (song)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ Source: BirdNet 20200614_173558 birdnet 656 - European serin.mp3 2020-06-14 17.35.58 Locarno (song?)
Song: Song a hectic, jingling, continuous trill, like the pouring of broken glass. The highest notes are constantly modulated to form vague motifs. Timbre comparable to Corn Bunting. [Link] Calls: Ringing trill also used as contact call, with slightly falling pitch "trrilrlitlitlit". Alarm call a short, redpoll-like "weee-eeet", with an accented high-pitched middle part. [Link]
One note
Turtle dove / Turteltaube (Streptopelia turtur)
Wikipedia European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur). Source: WIKIPEDIA Wikipedia European_Turtle_Dove_(Streptopelia_turtur).jpg Profile
Song Trilling coo. ♫ XC728296 - European Turtle Dove - Streptopelia turtur. Source: XENOCANTO XC728296 - European Turtle Dove - Streptopelia turtur.mp3 (song?)

Calls Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording ♫ XC728296 - European Turtle Dove - Streptopelia turtur. Source: XENOCANTO XC728296 - European Turtle Dove - Streptopelia turtur.mp3 (song?)

Song: Song: a deep, rolling, and slightly ascending cooing; "trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr trrr-trrrr" with variations in rhythm. Sometimes birds sticks to a phrase, but phrases varies between individuals. [Link]