Birds by size
Here birds are sorted by their length
Smaller than House sparrow- Goldcrest / Wintergoldhähnchen (Regulus regulus)
Physical details: length=9 cm,
wingspan=13-15 cm,
weight=4-7 g
- Common firecrest / Sommergoldhähnchen (Regulus ignicapilla)
Physical details: length=9 cm,
wingspan=13-16 cm,
weight=4-6 g
- Eurasian wren / Zaunkönig (Troglodytes troglodytes)
Physical details: length=9-10 cm,
wingspan=13-17 cm,
weight=7-12 g
- Willow warbler / Fitis (Phylloscopus trochilus)
Physical details: length=10-11 cm,
wingspan=16-22 cm,
weight=7-12 g
- Common chiffchaff / Zilpzalp (Phylloscopus collybita)
Physical details: length=10-11 cm,
wingspan=15-21 cm,
weight=6-10 g
- Zitting cisticola / Zistensänger (Cisticola juncidis)
Physical details: length=10 cm,
wingspan=12-14 cm,
weight=8-12 g
- Yellow-browed warbler / Gelbbrauen-Laubsänger (Phylloscopus inornatus)
Physical details: length=10 cm,
wingspan=14-20 cm,
weight=4-9 g
- Arctic warbler / Wanderlaubsänger (Phylloscopus borealis)
Physical details: length=10-11 cm,
wingspan=16-22 cm,
weight=8-12 g
- Eurasian penduline-tit / Beutelmeise (Remiz pendulinus)
Physical details: length=11 cm,
wingspan=16-17 cm,
weight=8-10 g
- European serin / Girlitz (Serinus serinus)
Physical details: length=11 cm,
wingspan=20-23 cm,
weight=11-14 g
- Marsh tit / Sumpfmeise (Poecile palustris)
Physical details: length=11 cm,
wingspan=18-19 cm,
weight=10-13 g
- Willow tit / Weidenmeise (Poecile montanus)
Physical details: length=11 cm,
wingspan=17-20 cm,
weight=8-14 g
- Coal tit / Tannenmeise (Periparus ater)
Physical details: length=11 cm,
wingspan=17-21 cm,
weight=8-10 g
- European crested tit / Haubenmeise (Lophophanes cristatus)
Physical details: length=11 cm,
wingspan=17-20 cm,
weight=10-13 g
- Eurasian blue tit / Blaumeise (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Physical details: length=11 cm,
wingspan=17-20 cm,
weight=9-12 g
- Red-breasted flycatcher / Zwergschnäpper (Ficedula parva)
Physical details: length=11 cm,
wingspan=18-21 cm,
weight=8-11 g
- Common redpoll / Birkenzeisig (Acanthis flammea)
Physical details: length=11-14 cm,
wingspan=20-25 cm,
weight=9-16 g
- Lesser whitethroat / Klappergrasmücke (Sylvia curruca)
Physical details: length=12-13 cm,
wingspan=16-20 cm,
weight=10-14 g
- Stonechat / Schwarzkehlchen (Saxicola rubicola)
Physical details: length=12 cm,
wingspan=18-21 cm,
weight=13-17 g
- Whinchat / Braunkehlchen (Saxicola rubetra)
Physical details: length=12 cm,
wingspan=21-24 cm,
weight=14-19 g
- Bearded reedling / Bartmeise (Panurus biarmicus)
Physical details: length=12 cm,
wingspan=16-18 cm,
weight=12-18 g
- European goldfinch / Stieglitz (Carduelis carduelis)
Physical details: length=12 cm,
wingspan=21-25 cm,
weight=14-19 g
- Eurasian siskin / Erlenzeisig (Spinus spinus)
Physical details: length=12 cm,
wingspan=20-23 cm,
weight=11-18 g
- Short-toed treecreeper / Gartenbaumläufer (Certhia brachydactyla)
Physical details: length=12 cm,
wingspan=17-20 cm,
weight=8-11 g
- Eurasian treecreeper / Waldbaumläufer (Certhia familiaris)
Physical details: length=12 cm,
wingspan=17-21 cm,
weight=8-11 g
- Bank swallow / Uferschwalbe (Riparia riparia)
Physical details: length=12 cm,
wingspan=26-29 cm,
weight=11-16 g
- Common house martin / Mehlschwalbe (Delichon urbicum)
Physical details: length=12 cm,
wingspan=26-29 cm,
weight=15-23 g
- Wood warbler / Waldlaubsänger (Phylloscopus sibilatrix)
Physical details: length=12 cm,
wingspan=19-24 cm,
weight=8-12 g
- Common grasshopper warbler / Feldschwirl (Locustella naevia)
Physical details: length=12-13 cm,
wingspan=15-19 cm,
weight=11-16 g
- Moustached warbler / Mariskensänger (Acrocephalus melanopogon)
Physical details: length=12-13 cm,
wingspan=15-16 cm,
weight=10-14 g
- Eastern subalpine warbler / Weissbartgrasmücke (Sylvia cantillans)
Physical details: length=12 cm,
wingspan=15-19 cm,
weight=8-13 g
- Black cap warbler / Mönchsgrasmücke (Sylvia atricapilla)
Physical details: length=13 cm,
wingspan=20-23 cm,
weight=16-25 g
- Common linnet / Bluthänfling (Linaria cannabina)
Physical details: length=13 cm,
wingspan=21-25 cm,
weight=15-22 g
- Eurasian reed warbler / Teichrohrsänger (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)
Physical details: length=13 cm,
wingspan=17-21 cm,
weight=10-16 g
- Marsh warbler / Sumpfrohrsänger (Acrocephalus palustris)
Physical details: length=13 cm,
wingspan=18-21 cm,
weight=10-15 g
- Sedge warbler / Schilfrohrsänger (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)
Physical details: length=13 cm,
wingspan=17-21 cm,
weight=9-15 g
- Icterine warbler / Gelbspötter (Hippolais icterina)
Physical details: length=13 cm,
wingspan=20-24 cm,
weight=10-15 g
- European pied flycatcher / Trauerschnäpper (Ficedula hypoleuca)
Physical details: length=13 cm,
wingspan=21-24 cm,
weight=10-15 g
- Eurasian river warbler / Schlagschwirl (Locustella fluviatilis)
Physical details: length=13 cm,
wingspan=19-22 cm,
weight=15-19 g
- Little stint / Zwergstrandläufer (Calidris minuta)
Physical details: length=12-14 cm,
wingspan=34-37 cm,
weight=18-30 g
- Cetti's warbler / Seidensänger (Cettia cetti)
Physical details: length=13 cm,
wingspan=15-19 cm,
weight=9-17 g
- Woolesser short-toed lark / Stummellerche (Alaudala rufescens)
Physical details: length=13-14 cm,
wingspan=24-32 cm,
weight=21-30 g
- Greater short-toed lark / Kurzzehenlerche (Calandrella brachydactyla)
Physical details: length=13-14 cm,
wingspan=25-30 cm,
weight=20-26 g
- Blyth's reed warbler / Buschrohrsänger (Acrocephalus dumetorum)
Physical details: length=13 cm,
wingspan=17-19 cm,
weight=9-14 g
- Little bunting / Zwergammer (Emberiza pusilla)
Physical details: length=13-14 cm,
wingspan=20-22 cm,
weight=13-19 g
- Siberian tit / Lapplandmeise (Poecile cinctus)
Physical details: length=13 cm,
wingspan=19-21 cm,
weight=11-14 g
- Northern wheatear / Steinschmätzer (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Physical details: length=14-15 cm,
wingspan=26-32 cm,
weight=18-29 g
- Meadow pipit / Wiesenpieper (Anthus pratensis)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=22-25 cm,
weight=15-22 g
- Black redstart / Hausrotschwanz (Phoenicurus ochruros)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=23-26 cm,
weight=13-19 g
- Common redstart / Gartenrotschwanz (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=20-24 cm,
weight=11-19 g
- Brambling / Bergfink (Fringilla montifringilla)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=25-26 cm,
weight=17-30 g
- Twite / Berghänfling (Linaria flavirostris)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=22-24 cm,
weight=13-18 g
- Common whitethroat / Dorngrasmücke (Sylvia communis)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=18-23 cm,
weight=13-18 g
- Garden warbler / Gartengrasmücke (Sylvia borin)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=20-24 cm,
weight=16-22 g
- Savi's warbler / Rohrschwirl (Locustella luscinioides)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=18-21 cm,
weight=14-16 g
- Long-tailed tit / Schwanzmeise (Aegithalos caudatus)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=16-19 cm,
weight=7-10 g
- Lesser spotted woodpecker / Kleinspecht (Dryobates minor)
Physical details: length=14-15 cm,
wingspan=25-27 cm,
weight=17-25 g
- House sparrow / Haussperling (Passer domesticus)
Physical details: length=14-15 cm,
wingspan=21-25 cm,
weight=24-38 g
not sexually dimporphic. No breeding plumage Identifying characteristics: Youth: beak = yellow (Makes it look like a finch) - Common rosefinch / Karmingimpel (Carpodacus erythrinus)
Physical details: length=14-15 cm,
wingspan=24-26 cm,
weight=19-27 g
- Great tit / Kohlmeise (Parus major)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=22-25 cm,
weight=14-22 g
- European nuthatch / Kleiber (Sitta europaea)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=22-27 cm,
weight=21-26 g
- European robin / Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=20-22 cm,
weight=14-21 g
- Common chaffinch / Buchfink (Fringilla coelebs)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=24-28 cm,
weight=18-29 g
- Eurasian tree sparrow / Feldsperling (Passer montanus)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=20-22 cm,
weight=18-29 g
- Dunnock / Heckenbraunelle (Prunella modularis)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=19-21 cm,
weight=16-25 g
- Spotted flycatcher / Grauschnäpper (Muscicapa striata)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=23-25 cm,
weight=14-20 g
- Bluethroat / Blaukehlchen (Luscinia svecica)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=20-22 cm,
weight=15-25 g
- Temminck's stint / Temminckstrandläufer (Calidris temminckii)
Physical details: length=13-15 cm,
wingspan=34-37 cm,
weight=17-30 g
- Little ringed plover / Flussregenpfeifer (Charadrius dubius)
Physical details: length=14-15 cm,
wingspan=42-48 cm,
weight=32-48 g
- Eurasian crag-martin / Felsenschwalbe (Ptyonoprogne rupestris)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=32-34 cm,
weight=17-30 g
- Rustic bunting (Emberiza rustica)
Physical details: length=14-15 cm,
wingspan=21-25 cm,
weight=17-22 g
- Sombre tit (Poecile lugubris)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=21-23 cm,
weight=15-19 g
- Indian tree pipit (Anthus hodgsoni)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=24-27 cm,
weight=17-25 g
- Rock sparrow / Steinsperling (Petronia petronia)
Physical details: length=14 cm,
wingspan=28-32 cm,
weight=26-35 g
- Hoary redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni)
Physical details: length=13-15 cm,
wingspan=21-27 cm,
weight=10-16 g
- Tree pipit / Baumpieper (Anthus trivialis)
Physical details: length=15 cm,
wingspan=25-27 cm,
weight=18-29 g
- European greenfinch / Grünfink (Chloris chloris)
Physical details: length=15 cm,
wingspan=24-27 cm,
weight=17-34 g
- Wood lark / Heidelerche (Lullula arborea)
Physical details: length=15 cm,
wingspan=27-30 cm,
weight=25-35 g
- Cirl bunting / Zaunammer (Emberiza cirlus)
Physical details: length=15 cm,
wingspan=22-25 cm,
weight=21-29 g
- Common reed bunting / Rohrammer (Emberiza schoeniclus)
Physical details: length=15-16 cm,
wingspan=21-28 cm,
weight=16-25 g
- Eurasian bullfinch / Gimpel (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
Physical details: length=14-16 cm,
wingspan=22-29 cm,
weight=27-38 g
- Red-throated pipit / Rotkehlpieper (Anthus cervinus)
Physical details: length=15 cm,
wingspan=25-27 cm,
weight=17-24 g
- Lapland longspur / Spornammer (Calcarius lapponicus)
Physical details: length=15-16 cm,
wingspan=25-28 cm,
weight=20-28 g
- Horned lark / Ohrenlerche (Eremophila alpestris)
Physical details: length=14-17 cm,
wingspan=30-35 cm,
weight=26-46 g
- Barred warbler / Sperbergrasmücke (Sylvia nisoria)
Physical details: length=15 cm,
wingspan=23-27 cm,
weight=22-28 g
- Spanish sparrow / Weidensperling (Passer hispaniolensis)
Physical details: length=15 cm,
wingspan=23-26 cm,
weight=22-36 g
- White-winged crossbill / Bindenkreuzschnabel (Loxia leucoptera)
Physical details: length=15 cm,
wingspan=26-29 cm,
weight=25-38 g
- Ortolan bunting / Ortolan (Emberiza hortulana)
Physical details: length=16-17 cm,
wingspan=23-29 cm,
weight=81-96 g
- Wallcreeper / Mauerläufer (Tichodroma muraria)
Physical details: length=16 cm,
wingspan=27-32 cm,
weight=15-19 g
- Tawny pipit / Brachpieper (Anthus campestris)
Physical details: length=16 cm,
wingspan=25-28 cm,
weight=24-32 g
- Common kingfisher / Eisvogel (Alcedo atthis)
Physical details: length=16-17 cm,
wingspan=24-26 cm,
weight=34-46 g
- Rock bunting / Zippammer (Emberiza cia)
Physical details: length=16 cm,
wingspan=21-27 cm,
weight=21-29 g
- Yellowhammer / Goldammer (Emberiza citrinella)
Physical details: length=16 cm,
wingspan=23-29 cm,
weight=25-36 g
- Red crossbill / Fichtenkreuzschnabel (Loxia curvirostra)
Physical details: length=16 cm,
wingspan=27-30 cm,
weight=35-50 g
- Common swift / Mauersegler (Apus apus)
Physical details: length=16-17 cm,
wingspan=42-48 cm,
weight=31-56 g
- Common nightingale / Nachtigall (Luscinia megarhynchos)
Physical details: length=16 cm,
wingspan=23-26 cm,
weight=17-24 g
- Eurasian wryneck / Wendehals (Jynx torquilla)
Physical details: length=16-17 cm,
wingspan=25-27 cm,
weight=30-45 g
- Thrush nightingale / Sprosser (Luscinia luscinia)
Physical details: length=16 cm,
wingspan=24-26 cm,
weight=24-30 g
- Broad-billed sandpiper / Sumpfläufer (alternate) (Calidris falcinellus)
Physical details: length=16-17 cm,
wingspan=37-39 cm,
weight=30-49 g
- European storm-petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus)
Physical details: length=14-18 cm,
wingspan=36-39 cm,
weight=23-30 g
- Kentish plover / Seeregenpfeifer (Charadrius alexandrinus)
Physical details: length=15-17 cm,
wingspan=42-45 cm,
weight=39-56 g
- Red-rumped swallow / Rötelschwalbe (Cecropis daurica)
Physical details: length=16-17 cm,
wingspan=32-34 cm,
weight=19-28 g
- Eurasian pygmy-owl / Sperlingskauz (Glaucidium passerinum)
Physical details: length=16-17 cm,
wingspan=34-36 cm,
weight=47-80 g
- Snow bunting / Schneeammer (Plectrophenax nivalis)
Physical details: length=16-17 cm,
wingspan=32-38 cm,
weight=28-50 g
- Rock pipit / Strandpieper (Anthus petrosus)
Physical details: length=16-17 cm,
wingspan=22-28 cm,
weight=20-27 g
- Pallid swift / Fahlsegler (Apus pallidus)
Physical details: length=16-17 cm,
wingspan=42-46 cm,
weight=41 g
- Scottish crossbill / Schottlandkreuzschnabel (Loxia scotica)
Physical details: length=16 cm,
wingspan=27-31 cm,
weight=36-49 g
- Thekla's lark / Theklalerche (Galerida theklae)
Physical details: length=17 cm,
wingspan=28-32 cm,
weight=31-42 g
- Red-backed shrike / Neuntöter (Lanius collurio)
Physical details: length=17 cm,
wingspan=24-27 cm,
weight=25-35 g
- Water pipit / Bergpieper (Anthus spinoletta)
Physical details: length=17 cm,
wingspan=24-29 cm,
weight=19-27 g
- Corn bunting / Grauammer (Emberiza calandra)
Physical details: length=17-18 cm,
wingspan=26-32 cm,
weight=35-63 g
- White-winged snowfinch / Schneesperling (Montifringilla nivalis)
Physical details: length=17 cm,
wingspan=34-38 cm,
weight=35-45 g
- Western yellow wagtail / Schafstelze (Motacilla flava)
Physical details: length=17 cm,
wingspan=23-27 cm,
weight=14-21 g
- Citrine wagtail (Motacilla citreola)
Physical details: length=17 cm,
wingspan=24-27 cm,
weight=18-25 g
- Common quail / Wachtel (Coturnix coturnix)
Physical details: length=16-18 cm,
wingspan=32-35 cm,
weight=75-135 g
- Crested lark / Haubenlerche (Galerida cristata)
Physical details: length=17 cm,
wingspan=29-38 cm,
weight=37-55 g
- Parrot crossbill / Kiefernkreuzschnabel (Loxia pytyopsittacus)
Physical details: length=17 cm,
wingspan=30-33 cm,
weight=48-61 g
- Common rock thrush / Steinrötel (Monticola saxatilis)
Physical details: length=18 cm,
wingspan=33-37 cm,
weight=43-63 g
- Woodchat shrike / Rotkopfwürger (Lanius senator)
Physical details: length=18 cm,
wingspan=26-28 cm,
weight=30-40 g
- Alpine accentor / Alpenbraunelle (Prunella collaris)
Physical details: length=18 cm,
wingspan=30-32 cm,
weight=37-43 g
- Hawfinch / Kernbeisser (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)
Physical details: length=18 cm,
wingspan=29-33 cm,
weight=46-70 g
- Eurasian skylark / Feldlerche (Alauda arvensis)
Physical details: length=18-19 cm,
wingspan=30-36 cm,
weight=26-50 g
- Curlew sandpiper / Sichelstrandläufer (Calidris ferruginea)
Physical details: length=18-19 cm,
wingspan=42-46 cm,
weight=50-65 g
- Bohemian waxwing / Seidenschwanz (Bombycilla garrulus)
Physical details: length=18 cm,
wingspan=32-35 cm,
weight=50-75 g
- White wagtail / Bachstelze (Motacilla alba)
Physical details: length=18 cm,
wingspan=25-30 cm,
weight=17-25 g
- Grey wagtail / Gebirgsstelze (Motacilla cinerea)
Physical details: length=18-19 cm,
wingspan=25-27 cm,
weight=14-22 g
- Barn swallow / Rauchschwalbe (Hirundo rustica)
Physical details: length=17-19 cm,
wingspan=32-34 cm,
weight=16-22 g
- White-throated dipper / Wasseramsel (Cinclus cinclus)
Physical details: length=18 cm,
wingspan=25-30 cm,
weight=49-84 g
- Baillon's crake / Zwergsumpfhuhn (alternate) (Zapornia pusilla)
Physical details: length=17-19 cm,
wingspan=33-37 cm,
weight=35-50 g
- Dunlin / Alpenstrandläufer (Calidris alpina)
Physical details: length=16-20 cm,
wingspan=38-43 cm,
weight=35-60 g
- Red-necked phalarope / Odinshühnchen (Phalaropus lobatus)
Physical details: length=18-19 cm,
wingspan=32-41 cm,
weight=27-48 g
- Dovekie / Krabbentaucher (Alle alle)
Physical details: length=17-19 cm,
wingspan=40-48 cm,
weight=140-190 g
- Jack snipe / Zwergschnepfe (Lymnocryptes minimus)
Physical details: length=17-19 cm,
wingspan=38-42 cm,
weight=35-73 g
- Calandra lark / Kalanderlerche (Melanocorypha calandra)
Physical details: length=18-19 cm,
wingspan=34-42 cm,
weight=44-73 g
- Pine grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator)
Physical details: length=18 cm,
wingspan=30-35 cm,
weight=47-64 g
- Great reed warbler / Drosselrohrsänger (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)
Physical details: length=19-20 cm,
wingspan=24-29 cm,
weight=29-36 g
- Little crake / Kleinsumpfhuhn (Zapornia parva)
Physical details: length=18-20 cm,
wingspan=34-39 cm,
weight=40-60 g
- Common ringed plover / Sandregenpfeifer (Charadrius hiaticula)
Physical details: length=18-20 cm,
wingspan=48-57 cm,
weight=55-73 g
- Eurasian scops owl / Zwergohreule (Otus scops)
Physical details: length=19-20 cm,
wingspan=53-63 cm,
weight=60-120 g
- Common sandpiper / Flussuferläufer (Actitis hypoleucos)
Physical details: length=19-21 cm,
wingspan=38-41 cm,
weight=40-60 g
- Blue rock-thrush / Blaumerle (Monticola solitarius)
Physical details: length=20 cm,
wingspan=33-37 cm,
weight=57-64 g
- Leach's storm-petrel / Wellenläufer (Oceanodroma leucorhoa)
Physical details: length=19-22 cm,
wingspan=45-48 cm,
weight=40-50 g
- Wood sandpiper / Bruchwasserläufer (Tringa glareola)
Physical details: length=19-21 cm,
wingspan=56-57 cm,
weight=50-80 g
- Sanderling / Sanderling (Calidris alba)
Physical details: length=20-21 cm,
wingspan=40-45 cm,
weight=44-70 g
- Lesser grey shrike / Schwarzstirnwürger (Lanius minor)
Physical details: length=20 cm,
wingspan=32-34 cm,
weight=41-50 g
- Redwing / Rotdrossel (Turdus iliacus)
Physical details: length=21 cm,
wingspan=33-34 cm,
weight=50-75 g
- Middle spotted woodpecker / Mittelspecht (Dendrocoptes medius)
Physical details: length=20-22 cm,
wingspan=33-34 cm,
weight=50-80 g
- Eurasian three-toed woodpecker / Dreizehenspecht (Picoides tridactylus)
Physical details: length=21-22 cm,
wingspan=32-35 cm,
weight=57-74 g
- Common starling / Star (Sturnus vulgaris)
Physical details: length=21 cm,
wingspan=37-42 cm,
weight=60-90 g
- Red phalarope / Thorshühnchen (Phalaropus fulicarius)
Physical details: length=20-22 cm,
wingspan=40-44 cm,
weight=40-75 g
- White-winged tern / Weissflügelseeschwalbe (Chlidonias leucopterus)
Physical details: length=20-23 cm,
wingspan=63-67 cm,
weight=50-75 g
- Rosy starling / Rosenstar (Pastor roseus)
Physical details: length=21 cm,
wingspan=37-40 cm,
weight=67-88 g
- Purple sandpiper / Meerstrandläufer (Calidris maritima)
Physical details: length=20-22 cm,
wingspan=42-46 cm,
weight=52-80 g
- Eurasian dotterel / Mornellregenpfeifer (Charadrius morinellus)
Physical details: length=20-22 cm,
wingspan=57-64 cm,
weight=90-130 g
- Little owl / Steinkauz (Athene noctua)
Physical details: length=21-23 cm,
wingspan=54-58 cm,
weight=140-220 g
- Great spotted woodpecker / Buntspecht (Dendrocopos major)
Physical details: length=22-23 cm,
wingspan=34-39 cm,
weight=70-100 g
- Green sandpiper / Waldwasserläufer (Tringa ochropus)
Physical details: length=21-24 cm,
wingspan=57-61 cm,
weight=60-90 g
- Spotless starling / Einfarbstar (Sturnus unicolor)
Physical details: length=21-23 cm,
wingspan=38-42 cm,
weight=86-96 g
- Syrian woodpecker (Dendrocopos syriacus)
Physical details: length=22-23 cm,
wingspan=34-39 cm,
weight=70-83 g
- Song thrush / Singdrossel (Turdus philomelos)
Physical details: length=23 cm,
wingspan=33-36 cm,
weight=65-100 g
- Ring ouzel / Ringdrossel (Turdus torquatus)
Physical details: length=23-24 cm,
wingspan=38-42 cm,
weight=92-138 g
- Ruddy turnstone / Steinwälzer (Arenaria interpres)
Physical details: length=22-24 cm,
wingspan=50-57 cm,
weight=85-150 g
- Little tern / Zwergseeschwalbe (Sternula albifrons)
Physical details: length=22-24 cm,
wingspan=48-55 cm,
weight=49-63 g
- Marsh sandpiper / Teichwasserläufer (Tringa stagnatilis)
Physical details: length=22-24 cm,
wingspan=55-59 cm,
weight=50-85 g
- Black tern / Trauerseeschwalbe (Chlidonias niger)
Physical details: length=22-24 cm,
wingspan=64-68 cm,
weight=60-86 g
- Spotted crake / Tüpfelsumpfhuhn (Porzana porzana)
Physical details: length=22-24 cm,
wingspan=37-42 cm,
weight=70-110 g
- Eurasian golden oriole / Pirol (Oriolus oriolus)
Physical details: length=24 cm,
wingspan=44-47 cm,
weight=56-79 g
- Northern shrike / Raubwürger (Lanius excubitor)
Physical details: length=24-25 cm,
wingspan=30-35 cm,
weight=48-81 g
- Common blackbird / Amsel (Turdus merula)
Physical details: length=24-25 cm,
wingspan=34-38 cm,
weight=80-125 g
- Red knot / Knutt (Calidris canutus)
Physical details: length=23-25 cm,
wingspan=57-61 cm,
weight=110-160 g
- Whiskered tern / Weissbart-Seeschwalbe (Chlidonias hybrida)
Physical details: length=23-25 cm,
wingspan=74-78 cm,
weight=79-94 g
- Fieldfare / Wacholderdrossel (Turdus pilaris)
Physical details: length=25 cm,
wingspan=39-42 cm,
weight=80-120 g
- Water rail / Wasserralle (Rallus aquaticus)
Physical details: length=23-28 cm,
wingspan=38-45 cm,
weight=80-180 g
- Grey-headed woodpecker / Grauspecht (Picus canus)
Physical details: length=25-26 cm,
wingspan=38-40 cm,
weight=120-160 g
- White-backed woodpecker / Weissrückenspecht (Dendrocopos leucotos)
Physical details: length=24-26 cm,
wingspan=38-40 cm,
weight=99-112 g
- Collared pratincole / Rotflügel-Brachschwalbe (Glareola pratincola)
Physical details: length=25 cm,
wingspan=60-65 cm,
weight=70-95 g
- Black-winged pratincole / Schwarzflügel-Brachschwalbe (Glareola nordmanni)
Physical details: length=25 cm,
wingspan=60-68 cm,
weight=87-105 g
- Boreal owl / Raufusskauz (Aegolius funereus)
Physical details: length=24-26 cm,
wingspan=54-62 cm,
weight=100-190 g
- Common snipe / Bekassine (Gallinago gallinago)
Physical details: length=25-27 cm,
wingspan=44-47 cm,
weight=80-140 g
- Little gull / Zwergmöwe (Hydrocoloeus minutus)
Physical details: length=25-27 cm,
wingspan=75-80 cm,
weight=85-150 g
- Mistle thrush / Misteldrossel (Turdus viscivorus)
Physical details: length=27 cm,
wingspan=42-47 cm,
weight=100-150 g
- Eurasian hoopoe / Wiedehopf (Upupa epops)
Physical details: length=26-28 cm,
wingspan=42-46 cm,
weight=55-87 g
- Little grebe / Zwergtaucher (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
Physical details: length=25-29 cm,
wingspan=40-45 cm,
weight=140-193 g
- Turtle dove / Turteltaube (Streptopelia turtur)
Physical details: length=26-28 cm,
wingspan=47-53 cm,
weight=100-180 g
- Nightjar / Ziegenmelker (Caprimulgus europaeus)
Physical details: length=26-28 cm,
wingspan=57-64 cm,
weight=65-100 g
- European golden-plover / Goldregenpfeifer (Pluvialis apricaria)
Physical details: length=26-29 cm,
wingspan=67-76 cm,
weight=160-280 g
- Merlin / Merlin (Falco columbarius)
Physical details: length=25-30 cm,
wingspan=50-62 cm,
weight=125-300 g
- Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica)
Physical details: length=26-29 cm,
wingspan=47-63 cm,
weight=320-480 g
- European bee-eater / Bienenfresser (Merops apiaster)
Physical details: length=27-29 cm,
wingspan=44-49 cm,
weight=44-78 g
- Ruff / Kampfläufer (Calidris pugnax)
Physical details: length=26-30 cm,
wingspan=54-58 cm,
weight=75-230 g
- Great snipe / Doppelschnepfe (Gallinago media)
Physical details: length=27-29 cm,
wingspan=47-50 cm,
weight=150-225 g
- Corn crake / Wachtelkönig (Crex crex)
Physical details: length=27-30 cm,
wingspan=46-53 cm,
weight=120-200 g
- Common redshank / Rotschenkel (Tringa totanus)
Physical details: length=27-29 cm,
wingspan=59-66 cm,
weight=85-150 g
- Black-bellied plover / Kiebitzregenpfeifer (Pluvialis squatarola)
Physical details: length=27-30 cm,
wingspan=71-83 cm,
weight=190-280 g
- Northern lapwing / Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus)
Physical details: length=28-31 cm,
wingspan=82-87 cm,
weight=140-320 g
- Red-footed falcon / Rotfussfalke (Falco vespertinus)
Physical details: length=29-31 cm,
wingspan=66-78 cm,
weight=130-197 g
- Spotted redshank / Dunkler Wasserläufer (Tringa erythropus)
Physical details: length=29-31 cm,
wingspan=61-67 cm,
weight=125-210 g
- Lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni)
Physical details: length=29-32 cm,
wingspan=58-72 cm,
weight=90-208 g
- Grey partridge / Rebhuhn (Perdix perdix)
Physical details: length=29-31 cm,
wingspan=45-48 cm,
weight=340-450 g
- Siberian jay / Unglückshäher (Art) (Perisoreus infaustus)
Physical details: length=30-31 cm,
wingspan=40-46 cm,
weight=73-101 g
- Black-necked grebe / Schwarzhalstaucher (Podiceps nigricollis)
Physical details: length=28-34 cm,
wingspan=56-60 cm,
weight=213-450 g
- European roller / Blauracke (Coracias garrulus)
Physical details: length=30-32 cm,
wingspan=66-73 cm,
weight=120-160 g
- Common greenshank / Grünschenkel (Tringa nebularia)
Physical details: length=30-33 cm,
wingspan=68-70 cm,
weight=130-270 g
- Black guillemot / Gryllteiste (Cepphus grylle)
Physical details: length=30-32 cm,
wingspan=52-58 cm,
weight=340-500 g
- Red-necked nightjar / Rothals-Ziegenmelker (Caprimulgus ruficollis)
Physical details: length=30-32 cm,
wingspan=65-68 cm,
weight=62-75 g
- Spotted nutcracker / Tannenhäher (Nucifraga caryocatactes)
Physical details: length=32-33 cm,
wingspan=52-58 cm,
weight=140-190 g
- Eurasian green woodpecker / Grünspecht (Picus viridis)
Physical details: length=31-33 cm,
wingspan=40-42 cm,
weight=150-220 g
- Eurasian collared dove / Türkentaube (Streptopelia decaocto)
Physical details: length=31-33 cm,
wingspan=47-55 cm,
weight=170-240 g
- Rock dove / Felsentaube (Columba livia)
Physical details: length=31-34 cm,
wingspan=63-70 cm,
weight=230-370 g
- Common moorhen / Teichhuhn (Gallinula chloropus)
Physical details: length=32-35 cm,
wingspan=50-55 cm,
weight=240-420 g
- Common tern / Flussseeschwalbe (Sterna hirundo)
Physical details: length=31-35 cm,
wingspan=77-98 cm,
weight=110-150 g
- Common cuckoo / Kuckuck (Cuculus canorus)
Physical details: length=32-34 cm,
wingspan=55-60 cm,
weight=95-140 g
- Stock dove / Hohltaube (Columba oenas)
Physical details: length=32-34 cm,
wingspan=63-69 cm,
weight=250-350 g
- Eurasian hobby / Baumfalke (Falco subbuteo)
Physical details: length=30-36 cm,
wingspan=82-92 cm,
weight=131-340 g
- Common kestrel / Turmfalke (Falco tinnunculus)
Physical details: length=32-35 cm,
wingspan=71-80 cm,
weight=156-252 g
- Eurasian sparrowhawk / Sperber (Accipiter nisus)
Physical details: length=28-38 cm,
wingspan=55-70 cm,
weight=110-342 g
- Manx shearwater / Atlantiksturmtaucher (Puffinus puffinus)
Physical details: length=31-36 cm,
wingspan=76-88 cm,
weight=375-459 g
- Black-winged kite / Gleitaar (Elanus caeruleus)
Physical details: length=31-35 cm,
wingspan=75-87 cm,
weight=230-235 g
- Red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa)
Physical details: length=32-34 cm,
wingspan=47-50 cm,
weight=400-550 g
- Eurasian jay / Eichelhäher (Garrulus glandarius)
Physical details: length=34-35 cm,
wingspan=52-58 cm,
weight=140-190 g
- Arctic tern / Kü̈stenseeschwalbe (Sterna paradisaea)
Physical details: length=33-35 cm,
wingspan=75-85 cm,
weight=95-120 g
- Barn owl / Schleiereule (Tyto alba)
Physical details: length=33-35 cm,
wingspan=80-95 cm,
weight=240-350 g
- Horned grebe / Ohrentaucher (Podiceps auritus)
Physical details: length=31-38 cm,
wingspan=46-55 cm,
weight=364-449 g
- Eurasian woodcock / Waldschnepfe (Scolopax rusticola)
Physical details: length=33-35 cm,
wingspan=56-60 cm,
weight=131-420 g
- Iberian magpie (Cyanopica cooki)
Physical details: length=34-35 cm,
wingspan=38-40 cm,
weight=65-79 g
- Little bittern / Zwergdommel (Ixobrychus minutus)
Physical details: length=33-38 cm,
wingspan=52-58 cm,
weight=140-150 g
- Black-headed gull / Lachmöwe (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
Physical details: length=34-37 cm,
wingspan=86-99 cm,
weight=200-400 g
not sexually dimporphic. No breeding plumage Identifying characteristics: Summer: head = black, , , , , tail = black Winter: head = white (With Charlie Brown-style half circle behind the eye), , , , general: beak = red, legs = red, wings = gray, - Roseate tern / Rosenseeschwalbe (Sterna dougallii)
Physical details: length=33-38 cm,
wingspan=72-80 cm,
weight=92-133 g
- Rock ptarmigan / Alpenschneehuhn (Lagopus muta)
Physical details: length=34-36 cm,
wingspan=54-60 cm,
weight=350-600 g
- Eurasian teal / Krickente (Anas crecca)
Physical details: length=34-38 cm,
wingspan=58-64 cm,
weight=200-450 g
- Gull-billed tern / Lachseeschwalbe (Gelochelidon nilotica)
Physical details: length=35-38 cm,
wingspan=100-115 cm,
weight=190-260 g
- Long-eared owl / Waldohreule (Asio otus)
Physical details: length=35-37 cm,
wingspan=90-100 cm,
weight=220-370 g
- Hazel grouse / Haselhuhn (Tetrastes bonasia)
Physical details: length=35-37 cm,
wingspan=48-54 cm,
weight=310-490 g
- Eurasian coot / Blässhuhn (Fulica atra)
Physical details: length=36-38 cm,
wingspan=70-80 cm,
weight=600-1000 g
- Mediterranean gull / Schwarzkopfmöwe (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus)
Physical details: length=36-38 cm,
wingspan=92-100 cm,
weight=232-280 g
not sexually dimporphic. No breeding plumage Identifying characteristics: Adult: head = black, , , , , tail = white, Youth: head = white (sprinkled with gray around the eyes), , , , , tail = black (tip of tail black-brown by young birds) general: wings = gray (very pale grey mantle and wings with white primary feathers without black tips.), beak = red (Dark red beak [in Levanto I said orange], usually with yellow to orange tip but can also be red. Between the tip and the shaft is a dark band.), legs = red (Their feet are dark red [legs presumably too].), , - Black-winged stilt / Stelzenläufer (Himantopus himantopus)
Physical details: length=35-40 cm,
wingspan=0 cm,
weight=150-210 g
- Northern hawk-owl / Sperbereule (Surnia ulula)
Physical details: length=36-39 cm,
wingspan=74-81 cm,
weight=215-380 g
- Bar-tailed godwit / Pfuhlschnepfe (Limosa lapponica)
Physical details: length=37-39 cm,
wingspan=70-80 cm,
weight=230-450 g
- Alpine chough / Alpendohle (Pyrrhocorax graculus)
Physical details: length=38 cm,
wingspan=75-85 cm,
weight=188-252 g
- Tawny owl / Waldkauz (Strix aluco)
Physical details: length=37-39 cm,
wingspan=94-104 cm,
weight=340-620 g
- Sandwich tern / Brandseeschwalbe (Thalasseus sandvicensis)
Physical details: length=36-41 cm,
wingspan=95-105 cm,
weight=215-275 g
- Short-eared owl / Sumpfohreule (Asio flammeus)
Physical details: length=37-39 cm,
wingspan=95-110 cm,
weight=260-420 g
- Razorbill / Tordalk (Alca torda)
Physical details: length=37-39 cm,
wingspan=63-68 cm,
weight=524-890 g
- Red-billed chough / Alpenkrähe (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)
Physical details: length=39-40 cm,
wingspan=73-90 cm,
weight=260-350 g
- Black-legged kittiwake / Dreizehenmöwe (Rissa tridactyla)
Physical details: length=38-40 cm,
wingspan=95-105 cm,
weight=310-500 g
- Common murre / Trottellumme (Uria aalge)
Physical details: length=38-41 cm,
wingspan=64-70 cm,
weight=490-863 g
- Garganey (alternate) / Knäkente (alternate) (Spatula querquedula)
Physical details: length=37-41 cm,
wingspan=60-63 cm,
weight=250-450 g
- Willow ptarmigan / Moorschneehuhn (Lagopus lagopus)
Physical details: length=37-42 cm,
wingspan=55-66 cm,
weight=450-750 g
- Ferruginous duck / Moorente (Aythya nyroca)
Physical details: length=38-42 cm,
wingspan=63-67 cm,
weight=450-700 g
- Common gull / Sturmmöwe (Larus canus)
Physical details: length=40-42 cm,
wingspan=100-115 cm,
weight=300-480 g
not sexually dimporphic. Identifying characteristics: general: head = white (Gray in winter and when young), beak = yellow (greenish yellow), legs = yellow (duller in winter), , , , Adult: wings = gray, , , Youth: wings = white (with brown streaks), , Winter: tail = black (and white striped), Prachtkleid: tail = white - Common wood pigeon / Ringeltaube (Columba palumbus)
Physical details: length=40-42 cm,
wingspan=75-80 cm,
weight=284-614 g
- Whimbrel / Regenbrachvogel (Numenius phaeopus)
Physical details: length=40-42 cm,
wingspan=76-89 cm,
weight=300-660 g
- Smew / Zwergsäger (Mergellus albellus)
Physical details: length=38-44 cm,
wingspan=55-69 cm,
weight=500-800 g
- Thick-billed guillemot / Dickschnabellumme (Uria lomvia)
Physical details: length=39-43 cm,
wingspan=65-73 cm,
weight=750-1100 g
- Eurasian oystercatcher / Austernfischer (Haematopus ostralegus)
Physical details: length=40-45 cm,
wingspan=80-86 cm,
weight=430-650 g
- Black-tailed godwit / Uferschnepfe (Limosa limosa)
Physical details: length=40-44 cm,
wingspan=70-82 cm,
weight=250-390 g
- Peregrine falcon / Wanderfalke (Falco peregrinus)
Physical details: length=36-48 cm,
wingspan=95-110 cm,
weight=582-1300 g
- Little bustard / Zwergtrappe (Tetrax tetrax)
Physical details: length=40-45 cm,
wingspan=105-115 cm,
weight=700-950 g
- Eurasian stone-curlew / Triel (Burhinus oedicnemus)
Physical details: length=40-44 cm,
wingspan=77-85 cm,
weight=430-500 g
- Tufted duck / Reiherente (Aythya fuligula)
Physical details: length=40-47 cm,
wingspan=67-73 cm,
weight=500-1000 g
- Pied avocet / Säbelschnäbler (Recurvirostra avosetta)
Physical details: length=42-45 cm,
wingspan=77-80 cm,
weight=260-290 g
- Parasitic jaeger / Schmarotzerraubmöwe (Stercorarius parasiticus)
Physical details: length=41-46 cm,
wingspan=110-125 cm,
weight=330-570 g
- Long-tailed duck / Eisente (Clangula hyemalis)
Physical details: length=40-47 cm,
wingspan=40-47 cm,
weight=550-900 g
- Pallid harrier / Steppenweihe (Circus macrourus)
Physical details: length=40-48 cm,
wingspan=95-120 cm,
weight=300-550 g
- Common pochard / Tafelente (Aythya ferina)
Physical details: length=42-49 cm,
wingspan=72-82 cm,
weight=650-1200 g
- Rook / Saatkrähe (Corvus frugilegus)
Physical details: length=44-46 cm,
wingspan=81-99 cm,
weight=280-340 g
- Eurasian magpie / Elster (Pica pica)
Physical details: length=44-46 cm,
wingspan=52-60 cm,
weight=182-272 g
- Sooty shearwater / Dunkler Sturmtaucher (Ardenna grisea)
Physical details: length=40-51 cm,
wingspan=94-109 cm,
weight=666-978 g
- Montagu's harrier / Wiesenweihe (Circus pygargus)
Physical details: length=43-47 cm,
wingspan=105-120 cm,
weight=227-445 g
- Mandarin duck / Mandarinente (Aix galericulata)
Physical details: length=41-49 cm,
wingspan=68-74 cm,
weight=571-608 g
- Red-necked grebe / Rothalstaucher (Podiceps grisegena)
Physical details: length=40-50 cm,
wingspan=61-88 cm,
weight=692-925 g
- Cory's shearwater (alternate) / Sepiasturmtaucher (alternate) (Calonectris diomedea)
Physical details: length=45-46 cm,
wingspan=105-125 cm,
weight=800-1100 g
- Steller's eider (Polysticta stelleri)
Physical details: length=43-47 cm,
wingspan=70-76 cm,
weight=670-1000 g
- Common goldeneye / Schellente (Bucephala clangula)
Physical details: length=42-50 cm,
wingspan=65-80 cm,
weight=650-1200 g
- Carrion crow / Rabenkrähe (Corvus corone)
Physical details: length=45-47 cm,
wingspan=93-104 cm,
weight=370-650 g
- Hooded crow / Nebelkrähe (Corvus cornix)
Physical details: length=45-47 cm,
wingspan=93-104 cm,
weight=370-650 g
- Greater scaup / Bergente (Aythya marila)
Physical details: length=42-51 cm,
wingspan=72-84 cm,
weight=700-1300 g
- Great shearwater / Großer Sturmtaucher (Ardenna gravis)
Physical details: length=43-51 cm,
wingspan=100-118 cm,
weight=715-950 g
- Northern fulmar / Eissturmvogel (Fulmarus glacialis)
Physical details: length=45-50 cm,
wingspan=102-112 cm,
weight=610-1000 g
- Purple swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio)
Physical details: length=45-50 cm,
wingspan=90-100 cm,
weight=520-1000 g
- Great crested grebe / Haubentaucher (Podiceps cristatus)
Physical details: length=46-51 cm,
wingspan=85-90 cm,
weight=568-813 g
- Northern shoveler / Löffelente (Spatula clypeata)
Physical details: length=44-52 cm,
wingspan=70-84 cm,
weight=470-800 g
- Eurasian wigeon / Pfeifente (Mareca penelope)
Physical details: length=45-51 cm,
wingspan=75-86 cm,
weight=500-1000 g
- Pomarine jaeger / Spatelraubmöwe (Stercorarius pomarinus)
Physical details: length=46-51 cm,
wingspan=125-138 cm,
weight=600-900 g
- Northern harrier / Kornweihe (Circus cyaneus)
Physical details: length=44-52 cm,
wingspan=100-120 cm,
weight=300-600 g
- Booted eagle / Zwergadler (Hieraaetus pennatus)
Physical details: length=45-53 cm,
wingspan=100-121 cm,
weight=510-1250 g
- Common scoter / Trauerente (Melanitta nigra)
Physical details: length=44-54 cm,
wingspan=79-90 cm,
weight=650-1300 g
- Caspian tern / Raubseeschwalbe (Hydroprogne caspia)
Physical details: length=47-54 cm,
wingspan=130-145 cm,
weight=500-750 g
- Long-tailed jaeger / Falkenraubmöwe (Stercorarius longicaudus)
Physical details: length=48-53 cm,
wingspan=105-117 cm,
weight=240-350 g
- Cattle egret / Kuhreiher (Bubulcus ibis)
Physical details: length=48-53 cm,
wingspan=90-96 cm,
weight=300-400 g
- Pygmy cormorant / Zwergscharbe (Microcarbo pygmeus)
Physical details: length=45-55 cm,
wingspan=45-55 cm,
weight=565-870 g
- Gadwall / Schnatterente (Mareca strepera)
Physical details: length=46-56 cm,
wingspan=84-95 cm,
weight=550-1000 g
- Black woodpecker / Schwarzspecht (Dryocopus martius)
Physical details: length=45-57 cm,
wingspan=64-68 cm,
weight=290-370 g
- Western marsh harrier / Rohrweihe (Circus aeruginosus)
Physical details: length=48-56 cm,
wingspan=115-130 cm,
weight=405-800 g
- Common buzzard / Mäusebussard (Buteo buteo)
Physical details: length=51-57 cm,
wingspan=113-128 cm,
weight=550-1300 g
- Velvet scoter / Samtente (Melanitta fusca)
Physical details: length=51-58 cm,
wingspan=90-99 cm,
weight=1100-2000 g
- Red-breasted merganser / Mittelsäger (Mergus serrator)
Physical details: length=52-58 cm,
wingspan=70-86 cm,
weight=900-1350 g
- Red-crested pochard / Kolbenente (Netta rufina)
Physical details: length=53-57 cm,
wingspan=84-88 cm,
weight=900-1400 g
- Eurasian curlew / Grosser Brachvogel (Numenius arquata)
Physical details: length=50-60 cm,
wingspan=80-100 cm,
weight=540-1300 g
- Northern goshawk / Habicht (Accipiter gentilis)
Physical details: length=48-62 cm,
wingspan=135-165 cm,
weight=600-2000 g
- Great skua / Skua (Stercorarius skua)
Physical details: length=53-58 cm,
wingspan=132-140 cm,
weight=1210-1630 g
- Rough-legged hawk / Raufussbussard (Buteo lagopus)
Physical details: length=50-60 cm,
wingspan=120-150 cm,
weight=700-1600 g
- Gyrfalcon / Gerfalke (Falco rusticolus)
Physical details: length=50-60 cm,
wingspan=130-160 cm,
weight=805-2100 g
- King eider (Somateria spectabilis)
Physical details: length=47-63 cm,
wingspan=86-102 cm,
weight=1500-2000 g
- Osprey / Fischadler (Pandion haliaetus)
Physical details: length=55-58 cm,
wingspan=145-170 cm,
weight=1120-2050 g
- European honey-buzzard / Wespenbussard (Pernis apivorus)
Physical details: length=52-60 cm,
wingspan=135-150 cm,
weight=360-1050 g
- Iceland gull (Larus glaucoides)
Physical details: length=52-60 cm,
wingspan=140-150 cm,
weight=460-1039 g
- Mallard / Stockente (Anas platyrhynchos)
Physical details: length=50-65 cm,
wingspan=81-98 cm,
weight=750-1450 g
- Black kite / Schwarzmilan (Milvus migrans)
Physical details: length=55-60 cm,
wingspan=160-180 cm,
weight=630-941 g
- Long-legged buzzard / Adlerbussard (Buteo rufinus)
Physical details: length=50-65 cm,
wingspan=126-148 cm,
weight=590-1760 g
- Northern pintail / Spiessente (Anas acuta)
Physical details: length=51-66 cm,
wingspan=51-66 cm,
weight=500-1100 g
- Lesser black-backed gull / Heringsmöwe (Larus fuscus)
Physical details: length=52-64 cm,
wingspan=117-134 cm,
weight=620-1000 g
- Brant / Ringelgans (Branta bernicla)
Physical details: length=56-61 cm,
wingspan=110-120 cm,
weight=1300-1600 g
- Herring gull / Silbermöwe (Larus argentatus)
Physical details: length=55-64 cm,
wingspan=123-148 cm,
weight=750-1440 g
- Lesser white-fronted goose / Zwerggans (Anser erythropus)
Physical details: length=53-66 cm,
wingspan=120-135 cm,
weight=1600-2500 g
- Snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus)
Physical details: length=53-66 cm,
wingspan=142-166 cm,
weight=1200-2900 g
- Common eider / Eiderente (Somateria mollissima)
Physical details: length=50-71 cm,
wingspan=80-108 cm,
weight=1500-2800 g
- Little egret / Seidenreiher (Egretta garzetta)
Physical details: length=55-65 cm,
wingspan=88-95 cm,
weight=350-550 g
- Glossy ibis / Brauner Sichler (Plegadis falcinellus)
Physical details: length=55-65 cm,
wingspan=80-95 cm,
weight=530-768 g
- Black-crowned night-heron / Nachtreiher (Nycticorax nycticorax)
Physical details: length=58-65 cm,
wingspan=105-112 cm,
weight=500-800 g
- Red-throated loon / Sterntaucher (Gavia stellata)
Physical details: length=53-69 cm,
wingspan=106-116 cm,
weight=1170-1900 g
- Ural owl / Habichtskauz (Strix uralensis)
Physical details: length=60-62 cm,
wingspan=124-134 cm,
weight=450-1020 g
- Goosander / Gänsesäger (Mergus merganser)
Physical details: length=58-66 cm,
wingspan=82-97 cm,
weight=900-2100 g
- Lesser spotted eagle / Schreiadler (Clanga pomarina)
Physical details: length=60-65 cm,
wingspan=134-159 cm,
weight=1100-2000 g
- Common shelduck / Brandgans (Tadorna tadorna)
Physical details: length=58-67 cm,
wingspan=110-133 cm,
weight=800-1450 g
- Yellow-legged gull / Mittelmeermöwe (Larus michahellis)
Physical details: length=59-67 cm,
wingspan=140-158 cm,
weight=750-1500 g
not sexually dimporphic. No breeding plumage Identifying characteristics: general: head = gray (sprinkled), beak = yellow (yellow orange with a red tip esp. on the lower half), legs = yellow (yellow orange), wings = gray, tail = black (with white stripes) - Red kite / Rotmilan (Milvus milvus)
Physical details: length=60-66 cm,
wingspan=175-195 cm,
weight=800-1300 g
- Common raven / Kolkrabe (Corvus corax)
Physical details: length=64 cm,
wingspan=120-150 cm,
weight=800-1560 g
- Ruddy shelduck / Rostgans (Tadorna ferruginea)
Physical details: length=61-67 cm,
wingspan=0 cm,
weight=925-1600 g
- Barnacle goose / Weisswangengans (Branta leucopsis)
Physical details: length=58-70 cm,
wingspan=132-145 cm,
weight=1300-2200 g
- Short-toed snake-eagle / Schlangenadler (Circaetus gallicus)
Physical details: length=62-67 cm,
wingspan=185-195 cm,
weight=1200-2200 g
- Egyptian vulture / Schmutzgeier (Neophron percnopterus)
Physical details: length=60-70 cm,
wingspan=155-180 cm,
weight=1600-2200 g
- Arctic loon / Prachttaucher (Gavia arctica)
Physical details: length=58-73 cm,
wingspan=110-130 cm,
weight=1316-3400 g
- Glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus)
Physical details: length=62-68 cm,
wingspan=150-165 cm,
weight=964-2215 g
- Pink-footed goose / Kurzschnabelgans (Anser brachyrhynchus)
Physical details: length=60-75 cm,
wingspan=135-170 cm,
weight=1800-3300 g
- Eurasian eagle-owl / Uhu (Bubo bubo)
Physical details: length=60-75 cm,
wingspan=160-188 cm,
weight=1800-4200 g
- Great grey owl (Strix nebulosa)
Physical details: length=65-70 cm,
wingspan=134-158 cm,
weight=500-1500 g
- Egyptian goose / Nilgans (Alopochen aegyptiaca)
Physical details: length=63-73 cm,
wingspan=134-154 cm,
weight=1500-2250 g
- Bonelli's eagle / Habichtsadler (Art) (Aquila fasciata)
Physical details: length=65-72 cm,
wingspan=150-180 cm,
weight=1600-2500 g
- Greater spotted eagle (Clanga clanga)
Physical details: length=65-72 cm,
wingspan=155-182 cm,
weight=1600-3000 g
- Common pheasant / Fasan (Phasianus colchicus)
Physical details: length=53-89 cm,
wingspan=70-90 cm,
weight=750-1700 g
- White-fronted goose / Blässgans (Anser albifrons)
Physical details: length=65-78 cm,
wingspan=130-165 cm,
weight=1800-3100 g
- Great black-backed gull / Mantelmöwe (Larus marinus)
Physical details: length=64-78 cm,
wingspan=150-165 cm,
weight=1033-2272 g
- European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis)
Physical details: length=65-80 cm,
wingspan=90-105 cm,
weight=1760-2154 g
- Western capercaillie / Auerhuhn (Tetrao urogallus)
Physical details: length=60-87 cm,
wingspan=87-125 cm,
weight=1500-5000 g
- Northern bald ibis / Waldrapp (Geronticus eremita)
Physical details: length=70-80 cm,
wingspan=125-135 cm,
weight=1080-1230 g
- Great bittern / Rohrdommel (Botaurus stellaris)
Physical details: length=70-80 cm,
wingspan=125-135 cm,
weight=867-1940 g
- Taiga bean goose / Saatgans (Anser fabalis)
Physical details: length=66-84 cm,
wingspan=142-175 cm,
weight=2220-4060 g
- White-tailed eagle / Seeadler (Haliaeetus albicilla)
Physical details: length=70-90 cm,
wingspan=200-240 cm,
weight=3075-6920 g
- Great northern loon / Eistaucher (Gavia immer)
Physical details: length=69-91 cm,
wingspan=69-91 cm,
weight=3600-4480 g
- Golden eagle / Steinadler (Aquila chrysaetos)
Physical details: length=75-88 cm,
wingspan=204-220 cm,
weight=2840-6665 g
- Graylag goose / Graugans (Anser anser)
Physical details: length=75-90 cm,
wingspan=147-180 cm,
weight=2100-4300 g
- Yellow-billed loon / Gelbschnabeltaucher (Gavia adamsii)
Physical details: length=76-91 cm,
wingspan=0 cm,
weight=4050-6400 g
- Purple heron / Purpurreiher (Ardea purpurea)
Physical details: length=78-90 cm,
wingspan=120-150 cm,
weight=525-1218 g
- Eurasian spoonbill / Löffler (Platalea leucorodia)
Physical details: length=80-90 cm,
wingspan=115-130 cm,
weight=1130-1960 g
- Great cormorant / Kormoran (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Physical details: length=80-100 cm,
wingspan=130-160 cm,
weight=1700-3000 g
- Great bustard / Grosstrappe (Otis tarda)
Physical details: length=75-105 cm,
wingspan=190-260 cm,
weight=3800-8500 g
- Canada goose / Kanadagans (Branta canadensis)
Physical details: length=80-105 cm,
wingspan=160-175 cm,
weight=3670-5410 g
- Great egret / Silberreiher (Ardea alba)
Physical details: length=85-102 cm,
wingspan=140-170 cm,
weight=960-1030 g
- Northern gannet / Basstölpel (Morus bassanus)
Physical details: length=87-100 cm,
wingspan=165-180 cm,
weight=2400-3600 g
- Grey heron / Graureiher (Ardea cinerea)
Physical details: length=90-98 cm,
wingspan=175-195 cm,
weight=1020-2073 g
- Black stork / Schwarzstorch (Ciconia nigra)
Physical details: length=95-100 cm,
wingspan=145-155 cm,
weight=3000 g
- Griffon vulture / Gänsegeier (Gyps fulvus)
Physical details: length=95-105 cm,
wingspan=240-280 cm,
weight=7500-11000 g
- Cinereous vulture / Mönchsgeier (Aegypius monachus)
Physical details: length=100-110 cm,
wingspan=250-295 cm,
weight=7000-12500 g
- White stork / Weissstorch (Ciconia ciconia)
Physical details: length=100-115 cm,
wingspan=155-165 cm,
weight=2275-4400 g
- Bearded vulture / Bartgeier (Gypaetus barbatus)
Physical details: length=100-115 cm,
wingspan=266-282 cm,
weight=5000-7000 g
- Eurasian crane / Kranich (Grus grus)
Physical details: length=110-120 cm,
wingspan=220-245 cm,
weight=4500-7000 g
- Tundra swan / Pfeifschwan (Cygnus columbianus)
Physical details: length=115-127 cm,
wingspan=180-211 cm,
weight=3400-7800 g
- Greater flamingo / Rosaflamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus)
Physical details: length=125-145 cm,
wingspan=105-155 cm,
weight=3000-4100 g
- Mute swan / Höckerschwan (Cygnus olor)
Physical details: length=145-160 cm,
wingspan=208-238 cm,
weight=7000-14000 g
- Common whooper / Singschwan (Cygnus cygnus)
Physical details: length=145-160 cm,
wingspan=218-243 cm,
weight=8500-10000 g