einfach rhythmisch fast high (3-7 KHz) .
- Gesang. Chirping
Call:Usually identified by contact call; a ringing, explosive "tschin" with a characteristic "dirty" timbre. Also a hard and very short "pit", often mixed with the previous. [Link]
nicht musikalisch slow low (1-3 KHz) .
General: About 20 single notes.
Call:Calls when courting and at breeding ground. Most common sound a high-pitched "tew-tew-tew". Similar to Wryneck, but less pleading. Also a sneezing "ktcho". [Link]
einfach rhythmisch slow high (7-9 KHz) .
- Kontaktruf. Die fast ständig geäusserten, hohen Rufe verraten die kleinen, rastlosen Turner im Gezweig meist schon, bevor sie zu sehen sind. [Link]
Call:Call: quite short, chirping, twittering "tzzirrret tzirrrret". Often starting at high pitch and rapidly falling, or just flat. Also a thin, slightly falling "zi zi ziii". [Link]
aufsteigend einnotig slow medium (2-4 KHz) .
Repeated rising note, not too loud
Call:Rufe :einsilbiges „hüid“, hinaufgezogen, wandelbar. [Link] Contact/alarm call a soft, plaintive ascending "hooeet". Similar to W.Warbler, but shorter with a monosyllabic feel. [Link]
einnotig slow high (5-7 KHz) .
Call:Wikipedia says 'The common kingfisher has no song.
The flight call is a short, sharp whistle chee repeated two or three times. Anxious birds emit a harsh, shrit-it-it and nestlings call for food with a churring noise.'
The NABU app only has calls,
which seems to confirm this. Therefore I'm classifying all recordings as calls,
even though some say Song at Xeno-Canto. [Link] Most heard is the thin and penetrating contact call: A short "tzee", or disyllabic "tzee-tzu", with a ringing metallic quality. In excitement it is often alternated with ringing trills "tzeerrrrrrrrrr". [Link]
Schwanzmeise / Long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus) Flight call from XenoCanto XC517804 Long-tailed tit flight call.
Bartmeise / Bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus) XC765306 - Bearded Reedling - Panurus biarmicus - two types of calls, one-note and two-note.
Zilpzalp / Common chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) XC656913 - Common Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita - call recorded in Belgium.
Baumfalke / Eurasian hobby (Falco subbuteo) XC669704 - Eurasian Hobby - Falco subbuteo - call, about twenty peeps.
Eisvogel / Common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) Common kingfisher call from Xeno-Canto, similar to one from NABU app.
Fairly high pitched single chirps or occasional high-low pairs. XC511677 Common kingfisher call similar to one from NABU app.