Bird call quiz for Fehraltorf
1: ♫ Lösung Mehlschwalbe / Common house martin (Delichon urbicum) Flugruf Right Wrong Datei 20200810_144528 birdnet 864 flight call - Common house martin.mp3
2: ♫
Braunkehlchen / Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) Ruf XC732132 - Whinchat - Saxicola rubetra - call - chirp, click.
Right Wrong
XC732132 - Whinchat - Saxicola rubetra - call - chirp, click.mp3
3: ♫
Haubenmeise / European crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus) Ruf XC926922 - European Crested Tit - Lophophanes cristatus - 1x4-10 call recorded in Sweden.
Right Wrong
XC926922 - European Crested Tit - Lophophanes cristatus - 1x4-10 call recorded in Sweden.mp3
4: ♫ Lösung Graureiher / Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) Ruf Birdweather-Gray Heron call. Right Wrong Datei 20241101_082654-Birdweather-Gray_Heron call.mp3
5: ♫
Weissstorch / White stork (Ciconia ciconia) Ruf XC878183 - White Stork - Ciconia ciconia ciconia - call, auf Deutsch Klappern.
Right Wrong
XC878183 - White Stork - Ciconia ciconia ciconia - call, auf Deutsch Klappern.mp3
6: ♫ Lösung Misteldrossel / Mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus) Trommeln XC945811 - Mistle Thrush - Turdus viscivorus - call, sounds like drumming, mistook it for a woodpecker first time I heard this. Right Wrong Datei XC945811 - Mistle Thrush - Turdus viscivorus - call, sounds like drumming, mistook it for a woodpecker first time I heard this.mp3
7: ♫ Lösung Eichelhäher / Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius) Ruf XC536051 Eurasian Jay harsh call 20s. Right Wrong Datei XC536051 Eurasian Jay harsh call 20s.mp3
8: ♫
Rotkehlchen / European robin (Erithacus rubecula) Ruf XC192924 - European Robin - Erithacus rubecula - German recordist Johannes Buhl calls it schnickern.
Right Wrong
XC192924 - European Robin - Erithacus rubecula - German recordist Johannes Buhl calls it schnickern.mp3
9: ♫
Mönchsgrasmücke / Black cap warbler (Sylvia atricapilla) Ruf Black cap warbler or Moenchsgrasmücke, sings Ticinese dialect - + several variations that I call figaro figaro etc.
Right Wrong
20240706_075906-ZOOM0329_LR Black cap warbler or Moenchsgrasmuecke, sings Ticinese dialect - + several variations that I call figaro figaro etc.mp3
10: ♫ Lösung Goldammer / Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) Ruf To identify repeated calls, then saw yellowhammer at alpweg and grübenholzweg. Right Wrong Datei 2020-07-01 08.09.27 to identify repeated calls, then saw yellowhammer at alpweg and gruebenholzweg.mp3
11: ♫ Lösung Grünfink / European greenfinch (Chloris chloris) Ruf European Greenfinch's noisy call Right Wrong Datei 20200529_082802 birdnet 566 their noisy call - European greenfinch.mp3
12: ♫
Alpendohle / Alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus) Flugruf XC512155 - Alpine Chough - Pyrrhocorax graculus - flight call recorded in Spain.
Right Wrong
XC512155 - Alpine Chough - Pyrrhocorax graculus - flight call recorded in Spain.mp3
13: ♫
Turmfalke / Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) Ruf XC928672 - Common Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus - calls.
Right Wrong
XC928672 - Common Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus - calls.mp3
14: ♫ Lösung Star / Common starling (Sturnus vulgaris) Ruf Right Wrong Datei 20210823_172609 birdnet 1968 - European Starling long whoop call - 2021-08-23 17-26-09 - European Starling - Fehraltorf.mp3
15: ♫
Zilpzalp / Common chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita) Kontaktruf XC656913 - Common Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita - call recorded in Belgium.
Right Wrong
XC656913 - Common Chiffchaff - Phylloscopus collybita - call recorded in Belgium.mp3
16: ♫
Pirol / Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus) Ruf XC565722 eurasian golden oriole call.
Right Wrong
XC565722 eurasian golden oriole call.mp3
17: ♫
Sperber / Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) Ruf XC818384 - Eurasian Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus - call, Brandenburg, Germany.
Right Wrong
XC818384 - Eurasian Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus - call, Brandenburg, Germany.mp3
18: ♫
Heckenbraunelle / Dunnock (Prunella modularis) Ruf XC594397 - Dunnock - Prunella modularis modularis - call recorded in Poland.
Right Wrong
XC594397 - Dunnock - Prunella modularis modularis - call recorded in Poland.mp3
19: ♫
Dohle / Jackdaw (Coloeus monedula) Ruf XC604997 - Western Jackdaw - Colöus monedula - call, recorded in England.
Right Wrong
XC604997 - Western Jackdaw - Coloeus monedula - call, recorded in England.mp3
20: ♫
Singdrossel / Song thrush (Turdus philomelos) Alarmruf XC918847 - Song Thrush alarm call - Turdus philomelos.
Right Wrong
XC918847 - Song Thrush alarm call - Turdus philomelos.mp3