Bird call quiz for tits in Switzerland

Test your ability to identify birds by their song or call. Click the audio controls to listen, then check the tooltip for the answer. Checkboxes are for your recordkeeping.

1: ♫ Lösung Blaumeise / Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) Ruf Blaumeisen Rufe bei Binario 3, Fehraltorf. Right Wrong Datei 20240616_075216-ZOOM0292_LR XXXX Blaumeisen Rufe bei Binario 3, Fehraltorf.mp3

2: ♫ Lösung Tannenmeise / Coal tit (Periparus ater) Ruf Right Wrong Datei 20200930_170652 birdnet 962 lots calls in foreground, - Coal tit - Uster.mp3

3: ♫ Lösung Schwanzmeise / Long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus) Ruf Birdweather-Long-tailed Tit call, hhmll. Right Wrong Datei 20240807_063657-Birdweather-Long-tailed_Tit call, hhmll.mp3

4: ♫
Lösung Haubenmeise / European crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus) Ruf XC926922 - European Crested Tit - Lophophanes cristatus - 1x4-10 call recorded in Sweden. Right Wrong Datei XC926922 - European Crested Tit - Lophophanes cristatus - 1x4-10 call recorded in Sweden.mp3

5: ♫
Lösung Sumpfmeise / Marsh tit (Poecile palustris) Ruf Call from Xeno-Canto XC733901 - Marsh Tit - Poecile palustris - pee-choo call, sometimes just pee - recorded in Germany. Right Wrong Datei XC733901 - Marsh Tit - Poecile palustris - pee-choo call, sometimes just pee - recorded in Germany.mp3

6: ♫
Lösung Kohlmeise / Great tit (Parus major) Ruf Kohlmeise hlh call fehraltorf, sehr hohe Noten 5-8khz. Right Wrong Datei 2024-09-12 10_10 kohlmeise hlh call fehraltorf, sehr hohe Noten 5-8khz.mp3