Long-eared owl / Waldohreule (Asio otus)

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Wikipedia: Long-eared owl Source: OTHER Waldohreule_in_freier_Wildbahn.jpg
Classification: Genus Asio; Family Strigidae
This bird appears across the great seas in the following continents: Europe, North America, Africa.
Deutschland: Brut-, Jahres-, Zugvogel, Wintergast
Vocalization: Other sounds include; a nasal "eeeeeaaa" reminiscent of Collared Dove, nasal mewing and bill clicking. [Link]
Song: Song a series of very deep, monotonous "hooooo"s, quite widely spaced. Uttered about once every 2-3 seconds. Sometimes rises in pitch, but with each "hoo" being constant. [Link]
Calls: Rich repertoire of calls. [Link]
Physical details: length=35-37 cm, wingspan=90-100 cm, weight=220-370 g
Habitats: Agricultural

🔍 No documented observation