Stygian owl / Styxeule (Asio stygius)
Wikipedia eBird Xeno-CantoWikipedia: Stygian owl Source: OTHER Stygian_Owl_%28Asio_stygius%29.jpg
Classification: Genus Asio; Family Strigidae
General: The Stygian owl (Asio stygius) is a medium-sized dusky colored owl. It has yellow eyes, a black beak, a dark blackish facial disk, and white eyebrows. Its underparts are a dingy buff color with dark brown barring and streaks. The upperparts are reverse, buff barring and streaks on a dark background. The adjective "Stygian" means "of, or relating to, the River Styx", but is more widely applied to anything that is dark or dismal. [more]
🔍 No documented observation