Bohemian waxwing / Seidenschwanz (Bombycilla garrulus)

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Wikipedia: Bohemian waxwing Source: OTHER 1200px-Bombycilla_garrulusII.jpg
Classification: Genus Bombycilla; Family Bombycillidae
This bird appears across the great seas in the following continents: Europe, North America.
Seasonal Behavior: Seltener Durchzügler, seltener Wintergast [Link]
Song: Song more or less a variation on the contact call. [Link]
Calls: Contact call weak, but distinct and typically alert one to the presence of a flock. A thin, high pitched, ringing "tzrrrrrrr". [Link]
Physical details: length=18 cm, wingspan=32-35 cm, weight=50-75 g
Habitats: Settlement

Song: Lots of trills. [Link]
Song attributes: Melody: simple rhythmic, fast, Frequency: 5-7 KHz
Call: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.

XC763124 - Bohemian Waxwing - Bombycilla garrulus - call recorded in Sweden.

Call attributes: song Frequency: ,
🔍 No documented observation

XC749574 - Bohemian Waxwing - Bombycilla garrulus - song recorded in Norway, a long series of trills.