Temminck's stint / Temminckstrandläufer (Calidris temminckii)

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Wikipedia: Temminck's stint Source: OTHER 1200px-Temmincks_Stint.jpg
Classification: Genus Calidris; Family Shorebirds (Scolopacidae)
General: Temminck's stint (Calidris temminckii) is a small wader. This bird's common name and Latin binomial commemorate the Dutch naturalist Coenraad Jacob Temminck.[3] The genus name is from Ancient Greek kalidris or skalidris, a term used by Aristotle for some grey-coloured waterside birds.[4] [more]
Song: Song a cyclic series of variations on the call; "trrrrrrrr" rising and falling in pitch. Often sustained for several minutes at a time. [Link]
Calls: Call a hard, thin, ringing "trrrrrr". [Link]
Physical details: length=13-15 cm, wingspan=34-37 cm, weight=17-30 g
Habitats: Wetland

🔍 No documented observation