Whiskered tern / Weissbart-Seeschwalbe (Chlidonias hybrida)

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Whiskered tern, Phnom Krom. 2024-03-03 08:33:04 Thailand NIKON D5600 ISO 500
Exposure 1/1000

Classification: Genus Chlidonias (Chlidonias); Family Gulls (Laridae)
General: The whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybrida) is a tern in the family Laridae. The genus name is from Ancient Greek khelidonios, "swallow-like", from khelidon, "swallow". The specific hybridus is Latin for hybrid; Pallas thought it might be a hybrid of white-winged black tern and common tern, writing "Sterna fissipes [Chlidonias leucopterus] et Hirundine [Sterna hirundo] natam”.[2] [more]
Calls: Contact call freely used and fairly distinct: An extremely hoarse, and rasping "krreek" in various moods. Timbre comparable to Corncrake. Sometimes uttered in stuttering series "kr-kr-kr-kr-kr". [Link]
Physical details: length=23-25 cm, wingspan=74-78 cm, weight=79-94 g
Habitats: River and lake

Call: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.

XC770351 - Whiskered Tern - Chlidonias hybrida - call, flight call - Heves County, Hungary.

Call attributes: flight call Frequency: ,
First documented observation: 2024-03-03 in Thailand. Most recent observation: 2024-03-03 in Thailand.


Whiskered terns, Phnom Krom. 2024-03-03 08:20:04 Thailand NIKON D5600 ISO 720
Exposure 1/1000

Web pages with this species:

Southeast Asia January-March 2024 - Thailand, Laos, Cambodia / Phnom Krom birding trip with Mina, Cambodia, March 3, 2024