White-winged tern / Weissflügelseeschwalbe (Chlidonias leucopterus)

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Wikipedia: White-winged tern Source: OTHER Chlidonias_leucopterus_Mai_Po.jpg
Classification: Genus Chlidonias (Chlidonias); Family Gulls (Laridae)
General: The white-winged tern, or white-winged black tern (Chlidonias leucopterus or Chlidonias leucoptera), is a species of tern in the family Laridae. It is a small species generally found in or near bodies of fresh water across much of the world, including Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The genus name is from Ancient Greek khelidonios, "swallow-like", from khelidon, "swallow". [more]
Vocalization: Mostly silent away from breeding ground. [Link]
Calls: Most diagnostic call a dry, rolling "krrrrrr-ta-ta" where the rolling is followed by one or two accentuated syllables, or just simply "krrrrrr". Used in excitement. [Link]
Physical details: length=20-23 cm, wingspan=63-67 cm, weight=50-75 g
Habitats: River and lake

🔍 No documented observation