Emu / Großer Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Emu. 2007-12-25 02:48:54 Australia DiMAGE Z3 ISO 50
Exposure 1/200

Classification: Genus Dromaius; Family Emus (Dromaiidae)
General: The emu (/ˈmj/) (Dromaius novaehollandiae) is the second-largest living bird by height, after its ratite relative, the ostrich. It is endemic to Australia where it is the largest native bird and the only extant member of the genus Dromaius. The emu's range covers most of mainland Australia, but the Tasmanian, Kangaroo Island and King Island subspecies became extinct after the European settlement of Australia in 1788. [more]

First documented observation: 2007-12-22 in Australia. Most recent observation: 2007-12-28 in Australia.


Emus. 2007-12-22 20:12:44 Australia DiMAGE Z3 ISO 50
Exposure 1/250

Emu on Kangaroo Island. 2007-12-28 04:59:46 Australia DiMAGE Z3 ISO 100
Exposure 1/40

Web pages with this species:

Traveling in Australia (2007-2008 ... before and after Singapore)