Grey catbird / Katzendrossel (Dumetella carolinensis)

Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto

Gray catbird. 2022-05-03 10:16:14 Maryland NIKON D5600 ISO 2800
Exposure 0.002

Classification: Genus Dumetella; Family Mimidae
General: The gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis), also spelled grey catbird, is a medium-sized North American and Central American perching bird of the mimid family. It is the only member of the "catbird" genus Dumetella. Like the black catbird (Melanoptila glabrirostris), it is among the basal lineages of the Mimidae, probably a closer relative of the Caribbean thrasher and trembler assemblage than of the mockingbirds and Toxostoma thrashers.[2][3] In some areas it is known as the slate-colored mockingbird.[4] [more]

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
Morning at Cherrywood Court - northern cardinal, gray catbirds, song sparrow. Cherrywood 2021-06-19 07:38:01 Singers: Northern cardinal, Grey catbird, Song sparrow

First documented observation: 2021-06-11 in Cockeysville. Most recent observation: 2022-05-03 in Maryland.


Gray catbird. 2022-04-30 09:51:26 Maryland NIKON D5600 ISO 720
Exposure 0.001

Gray catbird. 2022-04-30 09:51:08 Maryland NIKON D5600 ISO 800
Exposure 0.001

Gray catbird gathering food for the young, probably a cicada, Cherrywood Court. 2021-06-15 13:18:18 Cherrywood NIKON D5600 ISO 1600
Exposure 0.002

Additional Audio

Cockeysville 2022-05-03 09:02:06 ♫ 2022-05-03 09:02:06 Source: BirdNet 20220503_090206 birdnet - Gray Catbird - 2022-05-03 09:02:06 - Gray Catbird - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (song?)

Cockeysville 2022-05-03 08:38:48 ♫ 2022-05-03 08:38:48 Source: BirdNet 20220503_083848 birdnet - Gray Catbird - 2022-05-03 08:38:48 - Gray Catbird - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (song?)

Gray catbird weird song, Cherrywood Court. Cherrywood 2021-06-16 07:38:03

Cockeysville 2021-06-15 17:52:38 ♫ 2021-06-15 17:52:38 Source: BirdNet 20210615_175238 birdnet 1652 - Gray Catbird plus cicadas - Gray Catbird - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (song?)

Cockeysville 2021-06-11 07:38:34 ♫ 2021-06-11 07:38:34 Source: BirdNet 20210611_073834 birdnet 1614 - Gray Catbird - 2021-06-11 07:38:34 - Gray Catbird - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (song?)

Web pages with this species:

Birds of Maryland in 2021 / Birds of Maryland in 2022