Griffon vulture / Gänsegeier (Gyps fulvus)

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Wikipedia: Griffon vulture Source: OTHER 1200px-Gypful.jpg
Classification: Genus Gyps (Gyps); Subfamily True hawks (Accipitrinae); Family Accipitridae (Accipitridae)
General: The griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) is a large Old World vulture in the bird of prey family Accipitridae. It is also known as the Eurasian griffon. It is not to be confused with a different species, Rüppell's griffon vulture (Gyps rueppellii). It is closely related to the white-backed vulture (Gyps africanus). [more]
Vocalization: Quite vocal for a vulture, but generally silent in flight. Various shrieking high notes, hissing, and harsh cackling sounds. [Link]
Physical details: length=95-105 cm, wingspan=240-280 cm, weight=7500-11000 g
Habitats: Agricultural

🔍 No documented observation