Orpheusspötter / Melodious warbler (Hippolais polyglotta)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto NABU
Wikipedia: Melodious warbler Quelle: OTHER 1200px-Hippolais_polyglotta.jpg

Systematik: Gattung Hippolais (Hippolais); Unterfamilie Acrocephalinae (Acrocephalinae); Familie Grasmücken (Sylviidae)
Singvögel, Zweigsänger, ■■
Gesucht in Kaltbrunnenriet - in Juni 2022 nicht gefunden.

Yellow belly, brown back, very similar to Icterine warbler.
Aussehen und Identifizierung: Ebird: Compared to Icterine Warbler, wings are shorter and lack the pale panel. [Link]
Habitate: Landwirtschaft Gesang: Repeats bits 6-9 times, makes pauses, but also sings like mad with a distorted chirpy voice. Sometimes sings a descending trill that could be a giveaway. Can sing low (2k) or fairly high (8k)
Gesang Eigenschaften: Melody: improvisiert melodisch, sehr schnell, Frequency: 2-8 KHz Special sounds: Triller
XC572815 - Melodious Warbler - Hippolais polyglotta - song recorded in the Netherlands.
Einzige dokumentierte Beobachtung: 2022-06-04
XC732212 - Melodious Warbler - Hippolais polyglotta - Orpheusspötter adult male song in Croatia.

Uznach 2022-06-04 13:42:05 ♫ 2022-06-04 13:42:05 Quelle: BirdNet 20220604_134205 birdnet - Orpheusspötter wrong - Uznach.mp3 Uznach (Gesang?)