Little gull / Zwergmöwe (Hydrocoloeus minutus)

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Wikipedia: Little gull Source: OTHER 1200px-%C4%8Cajka_mal%C3%A1_%28Larus_minutus%29_a_%284834254958%29.jpg
Classification: Genus Hydrocoloeus; Family Gulls (Laridae)
This bird appears across the great seas in the following continents: Europe, North America, Africa.
Deutschland: ausnahmsweise Brutvogel, Zugvogel RL R
Calls: Repertoire of short, tern-like, hard calls, uttered individually, or in series. E.g. "kep" or "krrk". Also a diagnostic, gull-like, sharp and bouncing "ka-tee,ka-tee,ka-tee", with second syllable rising in pitch. [Link]
Physical details: length=25-27 cm, wingspan=75-80 cm, weight=85-150 g
Habitats: River and lake

First documented observation: 2022-12-03 in Rapperswil. Most recent observation: 2022-12-03 in Rapperswil.

Web pages with this species:

Field trip to Rapperswil with FOK2 class.