Mediterranean gull / Schwarzkopfmöwe (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus)

Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Schwarzkopfmöwen, Männchen in Prachtkleid links, Weibchen rechts. 2022-12-03 10:33:42 Rapperswil NIKON D5600 ISO 500
Exposure 0.001

Classification: Genus Ichthyaetus (Ichthyaetus); Family Gulls (Laridae)
General: The Mediterranean gull (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus) is a small gull. The scientific name is from Ancient Greek. The genus Ichthyaetus is from ikhthus, "fish", and aetos, "eagle", and the specific melanocephalus is from melas, "black", and -kephalos "-headed".[2] [more]
Calls: Distinct calls which can be identified even in mixed flocks. Most common call a short, mewing "yeah". Pitch rises and fall rapidly, with a "surprised" intonation. Timbre is nasal but clear and pure. Alarm call a series of short "ke-ke-ke", with similar timbre. [Link]
Physical details: length=36-38 cm, wingspan=92-100 cm, weight=232-280 g
not sexually dimporphic.
No breeding plumage Identifying characteristics: Adult: head = black, , , , , tail = white, Youth: head = white (sprinkled with gray around the eyes), , , , , tail = black (tip of tail black-brown by young birds) general: wings = gray (very pale grey mantle and wings with white primary feathers without black tips.), beak = red (Dark red beak [in Levanto I said orange], usually with yellow to orange tip but can also be red. Between the tip and the shaft is a dark band.), legs = red (Their feet are dark red [legs presumably too].), ,
Habitats: River and lake

First documented observation: 2022-12-03 in Rapperswil. Most recent observation: 2022-12-03 in Rapperswil.


Schwarzkopfmöwe, Tom meint der meist fotografierte Vogel in Rappi, weil nur ein paar dort auftachen, diese aber jeden Winter. 2022-12-03 10:29:14 Rapperswil NIKON D5600 ISO 800
Exposure 0.002

Web pages with this species:

Field trip to Rapperswil with FOK2 class.