Little bittern / Zwergdommel (Ixobrychus minutus)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABUZwergdommel Weibchen (gestreift), Neeracherried. 2022-09-04 09:00:22 Neeracherried NIKON D5600 ISO 3200
Exposure 0.005
Classification: Genus Least bitterns (Ixobrychus); Family Herons (Ardeidae)
General: The little bittern or common little bittern (Ixobrychus minutus) is a wading bird in the heron family, Ardeidae. Ixobrychus is from Ancient Greek ixias, a reed-like plant and brukhomai, to bellow, and minutus is Latin for "small".[2] [more]
Vocalization: Mostly silent except in breeding season. [Link]
Song: Song is a series of short, deep, frog-like "gorrk", repeated every 2 seconds. Tone is muffled and hollow, but far-carrying. [Link]
Calls: Flight-call a sharp "ki-ke-ke" or a nasal "ke". [Link]
Physical details: length=33-38 cm, wingspan=52-58 cm, weight=140-150 g
Habitats: Wetland Call: Almost a bark, low-pitched, little treble.
Call attributes: Call melody: non-musical, slow, Frequency: low (1-3 KHz),
Only documented observation: 2022-09-04