Common gull / Sturmmöwe (Larus canus)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABUNear Badi Auslikon at the Pfäffikersee. 2021-02-05 11:34:30 I thought I had only seen black-headed gulls, but on reviewing my photos, I noticed the yellow bill. Other typical characteristics: it's bigger than the black-headed gull next to it, it doesn't have the Charlie Brown half-ring around the eye, it has less gray and only a few shorter black tail feathers. Pfäffikersee NIKON D3100 ISO 100
Exposure 0.004
Classification: Genus Larus; Subfamily Larinae; Family Gulls (Laridae)
This bird appears across the great seas in the following continents: Europe, North America, Africa.
Not so common in Switzerland (most common would be the black-headed gull as far as I can see
Appearance and identification: Nabu: NABU ueber das Aussehen der Sturmmoewe: 'Sturmmöwen sind etwas größer als Lachmöwen, jedoch deutlich kleiner als Silbermöwen. Sie sind überwiegend weiß mit grauem Rücken und grauen Flügeln. Die Flügelenden sind schwarz mit weißer Spitze. Der Kopf ist rundlich, die dunklen Augen dünn rot umrandet. Der schlanke Schnabel und die Beine sind grünlichgelb, ein Schnabelfleck fehlt.' [Portraet]
Vocalization: Various mewing sounds. Similar in form to Herring Gull, but much higher pitched. [Link]
Physical details: length=40-42 cm, wingspan=100-115 cm, weight=300-480 g
not sexually dimporphic. Identifying characteristics: general: head = white (Gray in winter and when young), beak = yellow (greenish yellow), legs = yellow (duller in winter), , , , Adult: wings = gray, , , Youth: wings = white (with brown streaks), , Winter: tail = black (and white striped), Prachtkleid: tail = white Habitats: River and lake First documented observation: 2021-03-07 in Rapperswil. Most recent observation: 2021-09-11
Fantasievolle Sturmmöwe Zürichsee, Postkarte vom Teddys Souvenir Shop, Limmatquai, Zürich. 2021-09-11 12:00:00 Canon TR8500 series |
Sturmmöwe hebt ab. 2021-03-07 10:38:08 Rapperswil NIKON D3100 ISO 800 Exposure 0.002 |
Additional Images
Sturmmöwe. 2021-03-07 10:38:06 Rapperswil NIKON D3100 ISO 720 Exposure 1/500 |
Sturmmöwe. 2021-03-07 10:38:06 Rapperswil NIKON D3100 ISO 720 Exposure 1/500 |