Common linnet / Bluthänfling (Linaria cannabina)

Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Bluthänfling. 2023-05-27 13:11:50 Amden Hinder Hoechi NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 0.001

Classification: Genus Linaria (Linaria); Subfamily Carduelinae (Carduelinae); Family Fringillidae (Fringillidae)
Etymology: Herkunft: von der Hanf-Pflanze (Cánnabis), deren Samen zu seiner Nahrung gehören [Link]
Rote Stirn, Bauch; Kopf grau, Kinn weiss.
Appearance and identification: The summer male has a grey nape, red head-patch and red breast. Females and young birds lack the red and have white underparts, the breast streaked buff. [Link]
Gesang fuer mich aehnlich wie Gruenfink.
Song: Song a varied, sweet stream of contact calls, mimicry and trills with a staccato feel. [Link]
Calls: Flight-call a quick and "bouncing" "gig-gig" or "tchett-tchett". Most often disyllabic utterances, while Twite seems to vary more the number of syllables. Tone harder and more bouncing. Most easily recognized by the frequently interwoven, disyllabic contact calls. [Link]
Physical details: length=13 cm, wingspan=21-25 cm, weight=15-22 g
Habitats: Agricultural

Song: General: Aehnlich wie ein Rohrsaenger aber nur kurze Segmente mit klaren Pausen.
Song: Nabu: Sein Gesang umfasst trillernde, kurze und musikalische pfeifende Laute, unter anderem „piUU“, „trrüh“ und „tu-ki-jüüh“. [Link]
Song: Gesang ist fast Rohrsänger-artig, relativ hoch und zirpend. Manchmal mit kleinen Pausen. bird-song Aufnahme where kurz, llll mhllll [Link]
Song attributes: Melody: stereotype melodic, fast, Frequency: 2-7 KHz Special sounds: mimicry
XC705526 - Common Linnet - Linaria cannabina cannabina - song, recorded in England.

Call: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.

XC910816 - Common Linnet call - Linaria cannabina.

Call attributes: song Frequency: ,
First documented observation: 2022-04-15 in Mallorca. Most recent observation: 2025-03-04 in Staldenweiher.


Ist das ein bluthänfling. 2023-05-27 13:10:46 Amden Hinder Hoechi NIKON D5600 ISO 360
Exposure 1/2000

Bluthänfling. 2023-05-27 10:01:20 Amden Hinder Hoechi NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 1/1000

Paar bei Colonia de Sant Pere, Mallorca - suggests eurasian linnet or less likely cirl bunting. 2022-04-15 15:36:36 Mallorca NIKON D5600 ISO 400
Exposure 0.001

Mystery bird bei Staldenweiher - BirdNet meint Bluthänfling - cool! Staldenweiher 2025-03-04 08:21:54

Hallau 3 um Schützenhaus - Heidelerche oder Bluthänfling. Hallau 2024-04-06 13:10:28 Singers: Wood lark, Common linnet

Hallau 3 um Schützenhaus - Heidelerche oder Bluthänfling. Hallau 2024-04-06 13:09:36 Singers: Wood lark, Common linnet

Web pages with this species:

Birds of Mallorca / Last FOK2 outing: Amden Hinder Hoechi.