Common grasshopper warbler / Feldschwirl (Locustella naevia)

Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Wikipedia: Common grasshopper warbler Source: OTHER Grashoppsangare-070512.jpg
Classification: Genus Locustella; Family Locustellidae
General: The common grasshopper warbler (Locustella naevia) is a species of Old World warbler in the grass warbler genus Locustella. It breeds across much of temperate Europe and the western Palearctic. It is migratory, wintering in north and west Africa. [more]
Song: Sehr lang anhaltendes Schwirren. Die einzelnen Schlage noch zu erkennen. Der Klang erinnert etwas an Heuschreckenzirpen (alter Name Heuschreckenrohrsänger, langer Name, lange Strophe) und klingt etwas blechern., d.h. Mit Oberton. (fast wie ein Wecker bei dem man den Finger etwas auf die Glocke hält) [Link]
Song insect-like and high-pitched. A monotonous stream of even clicks similar to a running fishing line. Maintained for seemingly endless periods, and often hard to locate. Song most similar to Savi's Warbler but is slower (each click more separated), and higher pitched with a metallic, ringing quality. Short sequences of song also functions as contact call. Also a Robin-like "tick". [Link]
Calls: Rufe:“pswitt“ (spitz) [Link]
Physical details: length=12-13 cm, wingspan=15-19 cm, weight=11-16 g
Habitats: Wetland
Song or calls similar to: Savi's warbler.
Song: Buzzing like an insect or machinery. BirdLife Schweiz says like a grasshopper (which is after all the English name).
Song attributes: Melody: simple rhythmic, fast, Frequency: 5-8 KHz
🔍 No documented observation

XC557238 - Common Grasshopper Warbler - Locustella naevia - song.