Black grouse / Birkhuhn (Lyrurus tetrix)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto NABUWikipedia: Black grouse Source: OTHER 1200px-Black_Grouse_Nationalpark_Bayerischer_Wald.jpg
Classification: Genus Lyrurus; Subfamily Grouses (Tetraoninae); Family Turkeys (Phasianidae)
Rolf hat einen auf dem Amdener Hoehenweg Mai 2023 gesehen, wuerde den gerne sehen!
Habitats: Mountain Song: Song can be a rapid dove-like cooing that goes up, then repeats.
Song attributes: Melody: simple rhythmic, slow, Frequency: 0-1 KHz
XC731604 - Black Grouse - Lyrurus tetrix.
🔍 No documented observation