Eurasian wigeon / Pfeifente (Mareca penelope)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABUEnte zu identifizieren, eventuell Pfeifente oder Schnatterente. 2021-08-19 10:43:56 Kaltbrunner-Riet
Exposure 0.001
Classification: Genus Mareca (Mareca); Tribe Dabbling ducks (Anatini); Subfamily Dabbling ducks plus extinct (Anatinae); Family Waterfowl (Anatidae)
This bird appears across the great seas in the following continents: Europe, North America, Africa.

Funny red head (made me confused it with the Kolbente) that's brown with a golden forehead (Kolbente is brown, a bit lighter at the back of the head) is the obvious characteristic. Also has a nice black and white pattern on its back and wings with white-rimmed black feathers at the end of the wing, a bit of white before a black butt.

Physical details: length=45-51 cm, wingspan=75-86 cm, weight=500-1000 g
Habitats: River and lake Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
XC613742-Pfeifente von Adrien Mauss.

Call: Pfeifen, fast wie ein Rotmilan oder Maeusebussard. Ton steigt und faellt!
Call attributes: Call melody: simple rhythmic, slow, Frequency: low (1-3 KHz),
First documented observation: 2021-02-24 in Neeracherried. Most recent observation: 2021-08-19 in Kaltbrunner-Riet.
Weibliche Pfeifente. 2021-08-19 09:50:36 Kaltbrunner-Riet Exposure 1/1600 |
Zwei Pfeifente Erpel, Neeracher Ried. 2021-02-24 14:05:08 Neeracherried Exposure 1/1250 |
Zwei Pfeifente Erpel , Neeracher Ried. 2021-02-24 14:05:08 Neeracherried Exposure 1/1250 |
Pfeifente Erpel. 2021-02-24 14:05:08 Neeracherried Exposure 1/1250 |
Pfeifenten, Neeracher Ried. 2021-02-24 14:05:04 Neeracherried Exposure 1/1250 |
Additional Images
Pfeifenten, Neeracher Ried weibchen. 2021-02-24 14:05:04 Neeracherried Exposure 1/1250 |