Schneesperling / White-winged snowfinch (Montifringilla nivalis)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Wikipedia: White-winged snowfinch Quelle: OTHER 1200px-Snowfinch.jpg

Systematik: Gattung Montifringilla (Montifringilla); Familie Sperlinge (Passeridae)
Singvögel, Sperlinge, ■■
More white and gray than other sparrows, bronw only on back (wings), v. white when flying. almost always 1500m+, eher im Süden inkl Graubünden



Körperlich: Länge=17 cm, Flügelspanne=34-38 cm, Gewicht=35-45 g
Habitate: Berg Gesang: The XC song I downloaded is a faint chirping. Should follow up on song - most talk about calls.
Gesang Eigenschaften: Melody: einfach rhythmisch, langsam, Frequency: 4-6 KHz
🔍 Keine dokumentierte Beobachtung
XC736093 - White-winged Snowfinch - Montifringilla nivalis - song recorded in Switzerland. Schweiz