Yellow-crowned night heron / Krabbenreiher (Nyctanassa violacea)
Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-CantoYellow-crowned night heron in Manzanillo, Costa Rica. 2020-03-13 09:00:32 Costa Rica NIKON D5600 ISO 800
Exposure 0.001
Classification: Genus Nyctanassa; Family Herons (Ardeidae)
General: The yellow-crowned night heron (Nyctanassa violacea), is one of two species of night herons found in the Americas, the other one being the black-crowned night heron. It is known as the "bihoreau violacé" in French and the "pedrete corona clara" in Spanish. [more]
First documented observation: 2020-03-13 in Costa Rica. Most recent observation: 2020-03-13 in Costa Rica.
Juvenile Yellow-crowned night heron in Manzanillo, Costa Rica. 2020-03-13 08:59:00 Costa Rica NIKON D5600 ISO 800 Exposure 0.002 |