Passer griseus / Northern gray-headed sparrow (Passer griseus)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: Northern gray-headed sparrow Quelle: OTHER 1200px-Northern_grey-headed_sparrow_%28Passer_griseus_ugandae%29.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Passer (Passer); Familie Sperlinge (Passeridae)
Allgemein: The northern grey-headed sparrow (Passer griseus), also known as the grey-headed sparrow, is a species of bird in the sparrow family Passeridae, which is resident in much of tropical Africa.[3] It occurs in a wide range of open habitats, including open woodlands and human habitation, often occupying the same niche as the house sparrow does in Eurasia.[4] [more]

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