European golden-plover / Goldregenpfeifer (Pluvialis apricaria)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABUWikipedia: European golden-plover Source: OTHER 1200px-Kul%C3%ADk_zlat%C3%BD_%28Pluvialis_apricaria%29_a_%283949776435%29.jpg
Classification: Genus Pluvialis; Family Charadriidae
General: The European golden plover (Pluvialis apricaria), also known as the European golden-plover, Eurasian golden plover, or just the golden plover within Europe, is a largish plover. This species is similar to two other golden plovers: the American golden plover, Pluvialis dominica, and Pacific golden plover, Pluvialis fulva, which are both smaller, slimmer and relatively longer-legged than European golden plover, and both have grey rather than white axillary feathers (only properly visible in flight). [more]
Song: In song flight also a trilling, warbling and cyclic "preecaria-preecaria-preecaria". [Link]
Calls: Most common call at breeding ground a disyllabic, melancholic and wailing whistle with the end falling in pitch. Contact call a straight, short "kluee". [Link]
Physical details: length=26-29 cm, wingspan=67-76 cm, weight=160-280 g
Habitats: Wetland 🔍 No documented observation