Madeira firecrest / Madeiragoldhähnchen (Regulus madeirensis)
Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto NABUWikipedia: Madeira firecrest Source: OTHER 1200px-Madeira_firecrest.jpg
Classification: Genus Regulus; Family Old world warblers (Sylviidae)
General: The Madeira firecrest, Madeira kinglet, or Madeiracrest (Regulus madeirensis) is a very small passerine bird endemic to the island of Madeira. It is a member of the kinglet family. Before it was recognised as a separate species in 2003, it was classified as a subspecies of the common firecrest. It differs in appearance and vocalisations from its relative, and genetic analysis has confirmed it as a different species. The Madeiran bird has green upperparts, whitish underparts and two white wingbars, and a distinctive head pattern with a black eye stripe, short white supercilium, and a crest that is mainly orange in the male and yellow in the female. [more]
First documented observation: 2023-03-11 in Madeira. Most recent observation: 2023-03-11 in Madeira.