Hamerkop / Hammerkopf (Vogel) (Scopus umbretta)
Wikipedia eBird Xeno-CantoWikipedia: Hamerkop Source: OTHER 1200px-Hamerkop_%28Scopus_umbretta_umbretta%29.jpg
Classification: Genus Scopus; Family Scopidae
General: The hamerkop (Scopus umbretta), is a medium-sized wading bird. It is the only living species in the genus Scopus and the family Scopidae. The species and family was long thought to sit with the Ciconiiformes but is now placed with the Pelecaniformes, and its closest relatives are thought to be the pelicans and shoebill. The shape of its head with a long bill and crest at the back is reminiscent of a hammer, which has given this species its name after the Afrikaans word for hammerhead. It is a medium-sized waterbird with brown plumage. It is found in Africa, Madagascar and Arabia, living in a wide variety of wetlands, including estuaries, lakesides, fish ponds, riverbanks, and rocky coasts. The hamerkop is a sedentary bird that often shows local movements. [more]
🔍 No documented observation