Northern parula / Meisenwaldsänger (Setophaga americana)

Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: Northern parula Source: OTHER Northernparalua20.jpg
Classification: Genus Setophaga (Setophaga); Family New world warblers (Parulidae)
General: The northern parula (Setophaga americana) is a small New World warbler. It breeds in eastern North America from southern Canada to Florida.[2] [more]

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
Cockeysville 2022-05-01 09:06:58 ♫ 2022-05-01 09:06:58 Source: BirdNet 20220501_090658 birdnet - Northern Parula - 2022-05-01 09:06:58 - Northern Parula - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (song)

Only documented observation: 2022-05-01

Web pages with this species:

Birds of Maryland in 2022