Kü̈stenseeschwalbe / Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea)

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Wikipedia: Arctic tern Quelle: OTHER 1200px-2009_07_02_-_Arctic_tern_on_Farne_Islands_-_The_blue_rope_demarcates_the_visitors%27_path.JPG
Systematik: Gattung Sterna (Sterna); Unterfamilie Möwenverwandte (Sterninae); Ordnung Regenpfeiferartige (Charadriiformes); Klasse Vögel (aves); Unterstamm Wirbeltiere (Vertebrata); Stamm Chordatiere (Chordata); Reich Chordatiere (Animalia); Domäne Eukaryoten (Eukaryota)
Dieser Vogel erscheint jenseits grossen Meere in Kontinenten : Europa, Nordamerika, Südamerika, Afrika.
Allgemein: The Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) is a tern in the family Laridae. This bird has a circumpolar breeding distribution covering the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions of Europe, Asia, and North America (as far south as Brittany and Massachusetts). The species is strongly migratory, seeing two summers each year as it migrates along a convoluted route from its northern breeding grounds to the Antarctic coast for the southern summer and back again about six months later. Recent studies have shown average annual roundtrip lengths of about 70,900 km (44,100 mi) for birds nesting in Iceland and Greenland[3] and about 90,000 km (56,000 mi) for birds nesting in the Netherlands.[4] These are by far the longest migrations known in the animal kingdom. The Arctic tern flies as well as glides through the air. It nests once every one to three years (depending on its mating cycle); once it has finished nesting it takes to the sky for another long southern migration. [mehr]
Vokalisierung: Similar to Common Tern but higher pitched. [Link]
Rufe: Typical call a series of high pitched "tip-tip-tip", and longer, ringing, high-pitched "kriiiiii" calls. The drawn out "kree-aaahh" call falls less distinctly in pitch than Common Tern. [Link]
Körperlich: Länge=33-35 cm, Flügelspanne=75-85 cm, Gewicht=95-120 g

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