Mönchsgrasmücke / Black cap warbler (Sylvia atricapilla)

Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch bird-song.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU

Background - El pajaro Parque de Retiro or botanic garden, Madrid - describes black-cap warblers, one of the few birds I didn't hear there. 2024-07-13 12:45:33 Spanien Galaxy S24 Ultra Shutter speed 1/895
ISO 12
Exposure 1/895

Systematik: Gattung Sylvia (Sylvia); Unterfamilie Sylviinae (Sylviinae); Familie Grasmücken (Sylviidae)
Singvögel, Zweigsänger, ■■
On a tree branch, but not usually on the treetop.
Etymologie: Häufig vorkommender, kleiner, grau-weisser Vogel mit schwarzem Mönchs-Tonsur. Der Name hat weder mit Gras, noch mit Mücken zu tun! Es stammt nach Wikipedia 'aus dem Althochdeutschen von Gra-smucka = Grauschlüpfer'. [Link]
Gesang: Mit schwätzendem Vorgesang, (kann auch kurz sein oder ganz fehlen) der dann in klare, kräftige, zum Ende hin in wehmütige Flötentöne übergeht (Überschlag) [Link]
Song pleasing, varied and loud. Sometimes very similar to Garden Warbler. A typical phrase starts with soft, staccato chattering and mimicry, which after a few seconds changes to a much louder, pure and resonant stream of notes for about 3-5 seconds. No fixed motif, but may end phrases with recurring notes. Often deviates from the characteristic type of song, and identification from song alone may be impossible. May sing first part of song for extended periods without ever reaching the characteristic ending. [Link]
Rufe: „täck“ oft wiederholt [Link]
Alarm call a hard "check", similar to Lesser White-throat. Sometimes with an additional hoarse and nasal "cherrrr". [Link]
Körperlich: Länge=13 cm, Flügelspanne=20-23 cm, Gewicht=16-25 g
Habitate: Wald, Landwirtschaft

Gesang: They sometimes sing like a blackbird on speed - also non-stereotypic, seemingly improvised, in short bursts. Our local guy ends most of his songs with the same seven notes, which I find a good way to confirm the identification. In Ticino we often heard the 'Leiern' sound - the warblers would sing just the first 3 notes of a longer song, then stop. The order varied; high-medium-low I call 'Figaro' as in the opera, low-high-medium 'whiskey bar', as it sounded to me like the Kurt Weill lyrics, 'O-oh-show me-the-way to-the-next whis-ke-bar' - but the warbler usually stopped after 'way' or 'next' The British authors of The Sound Approach claim to hear 'a warblel and a whistle'.
Gesang Eigenschaften: Melody: improvisiert melodisch (hml), schnell, Frequency: 2-5 KHz Special sounds: Mimikry Singing season: 03-01 - 07-31 Dawn chorus start, 45 minutes before dawn.
Lugano 2021-03-31 19:12:00 Melody: hml ♫ 2021-03-31 19:12:00 Quelle: BirdNet 20210331_191200 birdnet 1356 - Eurasian Blackcap hml - 2021-03-31 19:12:00 - Eurasian Blackcap - Lugano.mp3 Lugano (Gesang)

Rufe: 1: General: Sputtery/stoney, but may have other calls too.
Call: The Blackcap may generate a perplexing variety of territorial calls, though the typical contact call is a hard, tongue-clicking "teck teck" which has a scolding quality to it. It's not dissimilar to the 'pebble-clacking' call of the Stonechat. [Suffex Wildlife Trust]

XC546030 black cap warbler so-called tac and djii call.

2: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.

XC548858-20200411 Eurasian Blackcap, alarm call part of advertising song, male, Flughafen Belpmoos, Bern, Switzerland. Schweiz

Ruf Eigenschaften: Ruf Melodie: einnotig, langsam, Frequenz: high (3-9 KHz), Spezielle Klänge: stottern/kieseln.
Zuerst dokumentierte Beobachtung: 2020-04-13 in Luppmen. Neuste Beobachtung: 2025-03-08 in Fehraltorf.


Eurasian blackcap female. 2020-09-23 10:04:48 Luppmen NIKON D5600 ISO 1250
Exposure 1/500

Pair of eurasian blackcap warblers in birch tree. 2020-09-23 08:49:12 Luppmen NIKON D5600 ISO 800
Exposure 1/640

Black cap warbler on the luppmen. 2020-07-11 09:56:32 Wald Fehraltorf NIKON D5600 ISO 800
Exposure 1/640

Black cap warbler on the luppmen. 2020-07-11 09:56:32 Wald Fehraltorf NIKON D5600 ISO 800
Exposure 1/640

Black cap warbler on the luppmen. 2020-07-11 09:56:30 Wald Fehraltorf NIKON D5600 ISO 800
Exposure 0.002

Morning concert on the Luppmen Black cap warbler concert luppmen. Luppmen 2020-04-19 07:02:32

Mannie the monotonous Mönchsgrasmücke Trying to compete with Boris the boring blackbird, he sang a similar song for an hour this morning Luppmen 2020-06-24 07:23:37

Locarno 2020-06-14 18:04:28 ♫ 2020-06-14 18:04:28 Quelle: BirdNet 20200614_180428 birdnet 662 - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Locarno (Gesang?)

Luppmen 2020-07-01 08:07:00 ♫ 2020-07-01 08:07:00 Quelle: BirdNet 20200701_080700 birdnet 741 repeated notes? - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Blackbird or black cap warbler. Hungerseeli 2020-04-16 08:14:00

Mönchsgrasmücke am Luppmen. Luppmen 2021-07-06 07:44:11

Fehraltorf 2021-03-31 08:19:11 ♫ 2021-03-31 08:19:11 Quelle: BirdNet 20210331_081911 birdnet 1345 - Eurasian Blackcap, first confirmed detection in 2021 - Eurasian Blackcap - Fehraltorf.mp3 Fehraltorf (Gesang?)✔

Lugano 2021-04-01 12:10:39 Es singen: Mönchsgrasmücke, Stieglitz
♫ 2021-04-01 12:10:39 Quelle: BirdNet 20210401_121039 birdnet 1372 - Eurasian Blackcap plus European Goldfinch, San Grato - Eurasian Blackcap - Lugano.mp3 Lugano (Gesang?)

Mönchsgrasmücke amsel kohlmeise taube krähe. Luppmen 2020-04-13 06:19:02 Es singen: Mönchsgrasmücke, Amsel, Kohlmeise

Luppmen 2020-06-22 10:47:24 ♫ 2020-06-22 10:47:24 Quelle: BirdNet 20200622_104724 birdnet 689 identify high deedeedeedee above the warbler - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Luppmen 2020-04-30 06:21:41 ♫ 2020-04-30 06:21:41 Quelle: BirdNet 20200430_062141 birdnet 444 blackcap can do relatively short melodic - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Luppmen 2020-05-29 07:06:42 Es singen: Goldammer, Mönchsgrasmücke
♫ 2020-05-29 07:06:42 Quelle: BirdNet 20200529_070642 birdnet 555 also yellowhammer i think - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Flachsee am Reuss 2021-05-04 09:44:44 ♫ 2021-05-04 09:44:44 Quelle: BirdNet 20210504_094444 birdnet 1506 - Eurasian Blackcap, figaro figaro figaro - Eurasian Blackcap - Unterlunkhofen.mp3 Flachsee am Reuss (Gesang?)

Hungerseeli 2020-05-26 17:41:43 ♫ 2020-05-26 17:41:43 Quelle: BirdNet 20200526_174143 birdnet 548 - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Hungerseeli (Gesang?)

Mönchsgrasmücke am Luppmen - with typical repeated endings. Luppmen 2021-07-04 08:24:14

Lugano 2021-04-01 14:49:57 ♫ 2021-04-01 14:49:57 Quelle: BirdNet 20210401_144957 birdnet 1386 - Eurasian Blackcap, Leiern, extended - Eurasian Blackcap - Lugano.mp3 Lugano (Gesang?)

Black cap warbler toblerone. Luppmen 2020-04-15 07:55:02

Black cap warbler i think. Luppmen 2020-04-15 07:57:04

Luppmen 2020-04-25 09:26:15 Es singen: Blaumeise, Wanderdrossel, Mönchsgrasmücke
♫ 2020-04-25 09:26:15 Quelle: BirdNet 20200425_092615 birdnet 411 blackcap, Eurasian blue tit, robin by texaid - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Luppmen 2020-04-13 08:09:22 ♫ 2020-04-13 08:09:22 Quelle: BirdNet 20200413_080922 birdnet 131, Eurasian blackcap - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Lugano 2021-04-01 12:12:47 ♫ 2021-04-01 12:12:47 Quelle: BirdNet 20210401_121247 birdnet 1376 - Eurasian Blackcap - 2021-04-01 12:12:47 - Eurasian Blackcap - Lugano.mp3 Lugano (Gesang?)

Erster mönchsgrasmücke gesang in Fehraltorf 2025, uva. Fehraltorf 2025-03-08 08:26:00

Lugano 2021-04-01 12:11:55 ♫ 2021-04-01 12:11:55 Quelle: BirdNet 20210401_121155 birdnet 1374 - Eurasian Blackcap Figaro loud and clear- 2021-04-01 12:11:55 - Eurasian Blackcap - Lugano.mp3 Lugano (Gesang?)

Luppmen 2020-04-27 14:14:50 ♫ 2020-04-27 14:14:50 Quelle: BirdNet 20200427_141450 birdnet 431 plus redstart - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Locarno 2020-06-18 08:58:20 ♫ 2020-06-18 08:58:20 Quelle: BirdNet 20200618_085820 birdnet 676 - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Locarno (Gesang?)

Wildhaus 2021-06-27 07:46:02 ♫ 2021-06-27 07:46:02 Quelle: BirdNet 20210627_074602 birdnet 1761 - Eurasian Blackcap in blkbd Mode - Eurasian Blackcap - Wildhaus.mp3 Wildhaus (Gesang?)

Luppmen 2020-04-29 14:18:03 ♫ 2020-04-29 14:18:03 Quelle: BirdNet 20200429_141803 birdnet 439 plus Nightingale highly likely - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Weisslingen 2021-07-20 15:37:13 ♫ 2021-07-20 15:37:13 Quelle: BirdNet 20210720_153713 birdnet 1831 - Eurasian Blackcap, sputtery call - Eurasian Blackcap - Weisslingen.mp3 Weisslingen (Ruf)

Flachsee am Reuss 2021-05-04 08:23:59 ♫ 2021-05-04 08:23:59 Quelle: BirdNet 20210504_082359 birdnet 1501 - Eurasian Blackcap unusual repitition, plus cuckoo - Eurasian Blackcap - Unterlunkhofen.mp3 Flachsee am Reuss (Gesang?)

Fehraltorf 2021-06-03 11:52:14 ♫ 2021-06-03 11:52:14 Quelle: BirdNet 20210603_115214 birdnet 1610 - Eurasian Blackcap, see repetitions in sonogram - Eurasian Blackcap - Fehraltorf.mp3 Fehraltorf (Gesang?)

Luppmen 2020-06-27 15:45:41 ♫ 2020-06-27 15:45:41 Quelle: BirdNet 20200627_154541 birdnet 717 chuk chuk chuk compare with xc calls - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Ruf)

Muralto 2021-05-09 05:32:15 ♫ 2021-05-09 05:32:15 Quelle: BirdNet 20210509_053215 birdnet 1511 - Eurasian Blackcap with Figaro motif - Eurasian Blackcap - Muralto.mp3 Muralto (Gesang?)

Hungerseeli 2020-05-07 12:19:05 ♫ 2020-05-07 12:19:05 Quelle: BirdNet 20200507_121905 birdnet 480 repetitive - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Hungerseeli (Gesang?)

Luppmen 2020-04-14 08:32:15 ♫ 2020-04-14 08:32:15 Quelle: BirdNet 20200414_083215-birdnet_mobile_5867288364_recording_188 2020-04-13 08.09.22 observaton 131 eurasian black cap warbler.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Hungerseeli 2020-05-07 13:10:46 ♫ 2020-05-07 13:10:46 Quelle: BirdNet 20200507_131046 birdnet 487 high song in bg but too many birds - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Hungerseeli (Gesang)

Lugano 2021-04-01 09:22:56 Melody: hml ♫ 2021-04-01 09:22:56 Quelle: BirdNet 20210401_092256 birdnet 1358 - Eurasian Blackcap hml - 2021-04-01 09:22:56 - Eurasian Blackcap - Lugano.mp3 Lugano (Gesang)

Luppmen 2020-05-10 07:28:15 ♫ 2020-05-10 07:28:15 Quelle: BirdNet 20200510_072815 birdnet 495 at home - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

More drippy mönchsgrasmücke Rufe Fehraltorf. Fehraltorf 2024-09-06 08:38:00

Hungerseeli 2020-06-03 09:03:17 ♫ 2020-06-03 09:03:17 Quelle: BirdNet 20200603_090317 birdnet 576 - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Hungerseeli (Gesang?)

Evtl grünfink und mönchsgrasmücke, freudwil. 2021-08-08 16:14:34 Es singen: Grünfink, Mönchsgrasmücke

Luppmen 2020-04-23 10:25:17 ♫ 2020-04-23 10:25:17 Quelle: BirdNet 20200423_102517 birdnet 393 blackcap plus tit - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Luppmen 2020-05-09 16:23:41 ♫ 2020-05-09 16:23:41 Quelle: BirdNet 20200509_162341 birdnet 489 - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Luppmen 2020-04-27 14:45:54 Es singen: Mönchsgrasmücke, Gartengrasmücke
♫ 2020-04-27 14:45:54 Quelle: BirdNet 20200427_144554 birdnet 432 badi Parkplatz plus black cap warbler - Garden warbler.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Levanto 2020-09-17 09:14:12 ♫ 2020-09-17 09:14:12 Quelle: BirdNet 20200917_091412 birdnet 926 - Eurasian blackcap - Levanto.mp3 Levanto (Gesang?)

Lugano 2021-04-02 11:59:49 ♫ 2021-04-02 11:59:49 Quelle: BirdNet 20210402_115949 birdnet 1390 - Eurasian Blackcap - 2021-04-02 11:59:49 - Eurasian Blackcap - Lugano.mp3 Lugano (Gesang?)

Black cap warbler or Moenchsgrasmücke, sings Ticinese dialect - + several variations that I call figaro figaro etc. Lago Maggiore in Italien und der Schweiz 2024-07-06 07:59:06

Tsitsitsi is group of blue tits or small great tits, black cap warbler in background. Luppmen 2020-06-28 09:36:51 Es singen: Kohlmeise, Mönchsgrasmücke

Mönchsgrasmücke tick-rufe. Wildert Weiher 2024-08-31 08:52:00

Luppmen 2020-05-29 07:33:51 ♫ 2020-05-29 07:33:51 Quelle: BirdNet 20200529_073351 birdnet 559 - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Black cap warbler in bb mode - loud, clear, melodic. Luppmen 2020-06-22 11:26:32

Luppmen 2020-04-17 06:22:43 Es singen: Wanderdrossel, Mönchsgrasmücke
♫ 2020-04-17 06:22:43 Quelle: BirdNet 20200417_062243 birdnet 247 - blackcap, tit, robin at end, - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Mönchsgrasmücke am Luppmen. Luppmen 2020-06-27 06:19:42

Mönchsgrasmücke klick klick rufe. Greater Fehraltorf 2024-08-17 08:15:00

Luppmen 2020-05-29 08:06:53 ♫ 2020-05-29 08:06:53 Quelle: BirdNet 20200529_080653 birdnet 561 - the other one that repeats weird noises - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang?)

Luppmen 2020-07-14 15:58:50 ♫ 2020-07-14 15:58:50 Quelle: BirdNet 20200714_155850 birdnet 801 im wald long song - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Luppmen (Gesang)

Locarno 2020-06-16 15:19:10 ♫ 2020-06-16 15:19:10 Quelle: BirdNet 20200616_151910 birdnet 669 likely - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Locarno (Gesang?)

Flachsee am Reuss 2021-05-04 11:11:51 Es singen: Mönchsgrasmücke, Gartengrasmücke, Singdrossel
♫ 2021-05-04 11:11:51 Quelle: BirdNet 20210504_111151 birdnet 1507 - Eurasian Blackcap, Garden Warbler, maybe Song Thrush - Eurasian Blackcap - Unterlunkhofen.mp3 Flachsee am Reuss (Gesang)

Fehraltorf 2021-08-05 13:08:32 ♫ 2021-08-05 13:08:32 Quelle: BirdNet 20210805_130832 birdnet 1883 - Eurasian Blackcap, pebble slapping call - Eurasian Blackcap - Fehraltorf.mp3 Fehraltorf (Ruf)

Alpweg 2020-06-27 16:22:58 Es singen: Gartengrasmücke, Mönchsgrasmücke
♫ 2020-06-27 16:22:58 Quelle: BirdNet 20200627_162258 birdnet 724 BirdNet says garden warbler too - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Alpweg (Gesang?)

Black cap warbler hs. Hungerseeli 2020-04-16 07:40:49

3 black cap warblers buchhalde. Luppmen 2020-07-06 14:41:19

Black cap warbler in bb mode - loud, clear, melodic. Luppmen 2020-06-22 11:26:32

Sils 2020-06-09 10:51:51 ♫ 2020-06-09 10:51:51 Quelle: BirdNet 20200609_105151 birdnet 590 - Eurasian blackcap.mp3 Sils (Gesang?)

Simultaneous Blackbird and black cap warbler at Forest house. Forsthaus 2020-04-17 07:25:35

Schweiz 2021-05-04 11:11:51 ♫ 2021-05-04 11:11:51 Quelle: BirdNet 20210504_111151 birdnet 1507 - Eurasian Blackcap what Christina says is dialect ending typical in Switzerland - Eurasian Blackcap - Unterlunkhofen.mp3 Schweiz (Gesang?)

Lugano 2021-04-01 12:11:32 ♫ 2021-04-01 12:11:32 Quelle: BirdNet 20210401_121132 birdnet 1373 - Eurasian Blackcap, nice melodic - Eurasian Blackcap - Lugano.mp3 Lugano (Gesang?)

Srippy mönchsgrasmücke calls, Gartenbaumläufer call. Greater Fehraltorf 2024-08-11 15:08:00 Es rufen: Mönchsgrasmücke, Gartenbaumläufer

Sils 2020-06-12 14:03:12 ♫ 2020-06-12 14:03:12 Quelle: BirdNet 20200612_140312 birdnet 632 wild guess eurasian blackcap - No confident detection.mp3 Sils (Gesang?)

Weitere Bilder

Mr black cap warbler moenchsgrasmücke singt am bahnhofstrasse 18. 2020-04-15 09:20:34 Luppmen NIKON D5600 ISO 800
Exposure 1/250

Mr black cap warbler moenchsgrasmücke singt am bahnhofstrasse 18. 2020-04-15 09:20:34 Fehraltorf NIKON D5600 ISO 800
Exposure 1/250

Birdnet mobile 5867288364 recording 1882020-04-13 08.09.22 observaton 131 eurasian blackcap. Quelle: BirdNet birdnet_mobile_5867288364_recording_1882020-04-13 08.09.22 observaton 131 eurasian blackcap.png

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