Barred warbler / Sperbergrasmücke (Sylvia nisoria)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Xeno-Canto BirdID NABUWikipedia: Barred warbler Source: OTHER Sylvia_nisoria.jpg
Classification: Genus Sylvia; Subfamily Sylviinae; Family Old world warblers (Sylviidae)
Deutschland: Brut-, Zugvogel RL 3
Vocalization: Varied repertoire, but mostly silent when not breeding. Phrases usually quite short, with rapid alternations between sequences of squeaky, high-pitched sounds and warbling, fluty (often disyllabic) notes. This creates a slightly bouncing rhythm, different from Garden Warbler. [Link]
Song: Song varies among individuals and location, but is generally quite similar to Garden Warbler. Often contains mimicry of Red-backed Shrike, and other species. Sometimes includes contact call in song, which makes ID easier. [Link]
Calls: Contact call a rolling, dry "trrrrrrrrr-r-r-t, often with ritardando ending, of 1-2 seconds length. Also a Blackcap-like "check". [Link]
Physical details: length=15 cm, wingspan=23-27 cm, weight=22-28 g
🔍 No documented observation