Wallcreeper / Mauerläufer (Tichodroma muraria)
Wikipedia eBird Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH ornitho.ch Xeno-Canto BirdID NABUWikipedia: Wallcreeper Source: OTHER 1200px-Wallcreeper_%28Tichodroma_muraria%29_female_Piatra_Craiului.jpg
Classification: Genus Tichodroma; Family Sittidae
General: The wallcreeper (Tichodroma muraria) is a small passerine bird found throughout the high mountains of the Palearctic from southern Europe to central China. It is the only extant member of both the genus Tichodroma and the family Tichodromidae. [more]
Song: Song variable in length, but main characteristic a sequence of 4-6 long, ascending whistles with timbre recalling whistling kettle. More complex and varied phrases are mixed with the long whistles. Both male and female sings. [Link]
Calls: Alarm call a thin trilling "vuiirrrrrrr". Flight call one or several soft whistles, often with (very) short trill as attack or tail. [Link]
Physical details: length=16 cm, wingspan=27-32 cm, weight=15-19 g
Habitats: Mountain Song: 5-notes LlmHh with pirol-like slowness and tone.
Song attributes: Melody: stereotype melodic, fast, Frequency: 1-5 KHz
🔍 No documented observation
XC569274 - Wallcreeper - Tichodroma muraria - song, this one sounds likes a pi-rol.