Red-eyed vireo / Rotaugenvireo (Vireo olivaceus)

Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU

Wikipedia: Red-eyed vireo Source: OTHER 1200px-Vireo_olivaceus_-Madison_-Wisconsin_-USA-8.jpg
Classification: Genus Vireo (Vireo); Subfamily Shrike-vireos (Vireoninae); Family Vireonidae (Vireonidae)
This bird appears across the great seas in the following continents: Europe, North America, South America.
General: The red-eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceus) is a small American songbird. It is somewhat warbler-like but not closely related to the New World warblers (Parulidae). Common across its vast range, this species is not considered threatened by the IUCN. [more]

Song: Automatically generated from Xeno-Canto recording.
Song attributes: Frequency:
Cockeysville 2021-06-15 18:22:00 ♫ 2021-06-15 18:22:00 Source: BirdNet 20210615_182200 birdnet 1658 - Red-eyed Vireo, two-part song - Red-eyed Vireo - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (song)

First documented observation: 2021-06-13 in Cockeysville. Most recent observation: 2022-04-30 in Cockeysville.

Additional Audio

Cockeysville 2022-04-30 09:45:35 ♫ 2022-04-30 09:45:35 Source: BirdNet 20220430_094535 birdnet - Red-eyed Vireo - 2022-04-30 09:45:35 - Red-eyed Vireo song, confirmed - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (song)✔

Supposedly red eyed vireo at ncr trail, did not see. Maryland 2021-06-15 12:23:30

Cockeysville 2021-06-13 13:30:44 ♫ 2021-06-13 13:30:44 Source: BirdNet 20210613_133044 birdnet 1642 - Red-eyed Vireo, at the trail - Red-eyed Vireo - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (song?)

Cockeysville 2021-06-13 13:20:52 ♫ 2021-06-13 13:20:52 Source: BirdNet 20210613_132052 birdnet 1640 - Red-eyed Vireo plus cicadas, at the trail - Red-eyed Vireo - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (song?)

Web pages with this species:

Birds of Maryland in 2021 / Birds of Maryland in 2022