Bird song quiz for Fehraltorf
1: ♫ Lösung Rotkehlchen / European robin (Erithacus rubecula) Right Wrong Datei 20200520_110039 birdnet 526 - European robin.mp3
2: ♫
Rotdrossel / Redwing (Turdus iliacus) XC320315 - Redwing - Turdus iliacus.
Right Wrong
XC320315 - Redwing - Turdus iliacus.mp3
3: ♫
Kleiber / European nuthatch (Sitta europaea) Is the brevity what makes it a song, whereas calls seem to go on endlessly? XC777051 - Eurasian Nuthatch - Sitta europäa, recorded in France and designated as song - a series of 5-6 whoops, pause and repeat, hard for me to distinguish from a ca-ll.
Right Wrong
XC777051 - Eurasian Nuthatch - Sitta europaea, recorded in France and designated as song - a series of 5-6 whoops, pause and repeat, hard for me to distinguish from a ca-ll.mp3
4: ♫ Lösung Sommergoldhähnchen / Common firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla) Right Wrong Datei 20200627_155016 birdnet 718 probably firecrest so usual place in woods - Not analyzed.mp3
5: ♫
Haubenmeise / European crested tit (Lophophanes cristatus) European Crested Tit song XC560609-european-crested-tit-lophophanes cristatus2020.05.20 11.51 01 song.
Right Wrong
XC560609-european-crested-tit-lophophanes cristatus2020.05.20_11.51_01 song.mp3
6: ♫
Blässhuhn / Eurasian coot (Fulica atra) XC841364 - Eurasian Coot song - Fulica atra.
Right Wrong
XC841364 - Eurasian Coot song - Fulica atra.mp3
7: ♫ Lösung Alpendohle / Alpine chough (Pyrrhocorax graculus) Right Wrong Datei 20210220_113456 birdnet 1202 - Yellow-billed Chough - Adelboden.mp3
8: ♫ Lösung Wintergoldhähnchen / Goldcrest (Regulus regulus) Right Wrong Datei 20200731_120515 birdnet - Goldcrest Prägelpass.mp3
9: ♫ Lösung Pirol / Eurasian golden oriole (Oriolus oriolus) Right Wrong Datei 20200623_174015 birdnet 704 i doubt golden Oriole, need another hypothesis - Eurasian golden oriole.mp3
10: ♫
Heckenbraunelle / Dunnock (Prunella modularis)
Right Wrong
20200416_075509 birdnet 200 it says dunnock almost certain heckenbraunelle.mp3
11: ♫ Lösung Weissstorch / White stork (Ciconia ciconia) Right Wrong Datei 20200520_085006 birdnet 521 - White stork.mp3
12: ♫ Lösung Misteldrossel / Mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus) Wonderful bb-like song supposedly Mistle thrush at Keltenweg-Waldgasse intersection. Right Wrong Datei 2021-04-21 08.56.01 wonderful bb-like song supposedly Mistle thrush at Keltenweg-Waldgasse intersection.mp3
13: ♫
Mauersegler / Common swift (Apus apus) XC813064 - Common Swift song - Apus apus.
Right Wrong
XC813064 - Common Swift song - Apus apus.mp3
14: ♫ Lösung Ringeltaube / Common wood pigeon (Columba palumbus) Right Wrong Datei 20200603_083257 birdnet 571 peep at 5-7 KHz is not pigeon - Common wood pigeon.mp3
15: ♫ Lösung Grünfink / European greenfinch (Chloris chloris) Birdweather-European Greenfinch, plus a second bird most likely. Right Wrong Datei 20241031_134150-Birdweather-European_Greenfinch, plus a second bird most likely.mp3
16: ♫ Lösung Mönchsgrasmücke / Black cap warbler (Sylvia atricapilla) Right Wrong Datei 20210401_121247 birdnet 1376 - Eurasian Blackcap - 2021-04-01 12:12:47 - Eurasian Blackcap - Lugano.mp3
17: ♫ Lösung Goldammer / Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) XC548502-goldammer-30-sekunden. Right Wrong Datei XC548502-goldammer-30-sekunden.mp3
18: ♫ Lösung Zaunkönig / Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) Right Wrong Datei 20210519_072503 birdnet 1558 - Eurasian Wren - 2021-05-19 07:25:03 - Eurasian Wren - Cudrefin.mp3
19: ♫ Lösung Nachtigall / Common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) Nachtigall Teil 2 in La Sauge, klingt jetzt anders. Right Wrong Datei 20240522_151122-ZOOM0245_LR Nachtigall Teil 2 in La Sauge, klingt jetzt anders.mp3
20: ♫
Braunkehlchen / Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) XC773008 - Whinchat - Saxicola rubetra - song, recorded in Sweden.
Right Wrong
XC773008 - Whinchat - Saxicola rubetra - song, recorded in Sweden.mp3