Birds of Maryland in 2022
I visited the US for Mom's 89th birthday. Since my brother Mark was also there, together we saw or heard about 37 different species of bird, several of them like the spectacular scarlet bunting while sitting at Mom's kitchen table. (Some where only the audio is present are uncertain IDs using the Merlin BirdID app, which I haven't confirmed, therefore I count less than is mentioned below.) We also learned that it's never safe to say to yourself it's just a sparrow or goldfinch, as often enough it's not. The new rule is to make a photograph if at all possible, and then you have all the time in the world to check the details. I've birded that way for some time, and now Mark is fully equipped for it too with his 60th birthday camera. A good reference to common birds in Maryland is this web page.
Insgesamt 36 Vogelarten sind inbegriffen, 36 davon schon beobachtet.
Vögel von Maryland zum zweiten Mal
26 April 2022
28 April 2022
29 April 2022
30 April 2022
01 May 2022
02 May 2022
03 May 2022
04 May 2022
05 May 2022
07 May 2022
Vögel von Maryland zum zweiten Mal:
2022-04-25 - 2022-05-08 in MarylandRevisited
26 April 2022:
CockeysvilleCarolinazaunkönig / Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-26 07:56:11 Quelle: BirdNet 20220426_075611 birdnet - Carolina Wren - 2022-04-26 07:56:11 - Carolina Wren - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-04-26 07:56:11 Quelle: BirdNet 20220426_075611 birdnet - Carolina Wren - Carolina Wren - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Singammer / Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
Alternative Klassifikation: Zonotrichia melodia
A-Z Animals
♫ 2022-04-26 10:14:42 Song sparrow, Cherrywood Court.

Wanderdrossel / American robin (Turdus migratorius)
Auch bekannt als: Robin
American Robin intensely building a nest. 2022-04-26 16:58:36 Maryland
Exposure 0.002 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Sialia sialis / Eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis)
Alternative Klassifikation: Motacilla sialis
Eastern bluebird on a Cherrywood Court rooftop. 2022-04-26 17:05:00 Cherrywood
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Singammer / Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
Alternative Klassifikation: Zonotrichia melodia
Song sparrow across the street from Moms house. 2022-04-26 17:07:16 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Sturnella magna / Eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-26 18:23:51 Quelle: BirdNet 20220426_182351 birdnet - Eastern Meadowlark - Eastern Meadowlark - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-04-26 18:23:51 Quelle: BirdNet 20220426_182351 birdnet - Eastern Meadowlark - 2022-04-26 18:23:51 - Eastern Meadowlark - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
28 April 2022:
CherrywoodHausgimpel / House finch (Haemorhous mexicanus)
Alternative Klassifikation: Fringilla mexicana
Auch bekannt als: California linnet
House Finch on Cherrywood Court. 2022-04-28 11:03:30 Cherrywood
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Singammer / Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
Alternative Klassifikation: Zonotrichia melodia
A-Z Animals
♫ 2022-04-28 11:05:16 Song sparrow, Cherrywood Court.

Dunenspecht / Downy woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens)
Alternative Klassifikation: Picoides pubescens
Downy woodpecker just off Torrey C Brown Trail. 2022-04-28 11:28:32 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Catbird near NCR trail.
Catbird near NCR trail. 2022-04-28 11:32:24 Maryland
Exposure 0.002
Weißbauch-Phoebetyrann / Eastern phoebe (Sayornis phoebe)
Auch bekannt als: Dusky flycatcher
A-Z Animals
♫ 2022-04-28 11:33:45 Quelle: BirdNet 20220428_113345 birdnet - Eastern Phoebe - Eastern Phoebe.mp3 Maryland (Gesang?)
Troglodytes aedon / House wren (Troglodytes aedon)
Says house wren. 2022-04-28 11:41:38 Maryland
Exposure 0.002 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Zonotrichia albicollis / White-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-28 11:51:13 Quelle: BirdNet 20220428_115113 birdnet - White-throated Sparrow - 2022-04-28 11:51:13 - White-throated Sparrow - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-04-28 11:51:13 Quelle: BirdNet 20220428_115113 birdnet - White-throated Sparrow - White-throated Sparrow - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Carolinataube / Mourning dove (Zenaida macroura)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-CantoEs singen: Carolinataube, Zonotrichia albicollis
♫ 2022-04-28 11:52:36 Quelle: BirdNet 20220428_115236 birdnet - Mourning Dove or White throated Sparrow - Mourning Dove - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Indianermeise / Tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)
Alternative Klassifikation: Parus bicolor
A-Z Animals
♫ 2022-04-28 11:56:51 Quelle: BirdNet 20220428_115651 birdnet - Tufted Titmouse - Tufted Titmouse - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
♫ 2022-04-28 11:56:51 Quelle: BirdNet 20220428_115651 birdnet - Tufted Titmouse - 2022-04-28 11:56:51 - Tufted Titmouse - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Kanadareiher / Great blue heron (Ardea herodias)
Great blue heron. 2022-04-28 18:15:08 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Zonotrichia albicollis / White-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis)
White-throated sparrow. 2022-04-28 18:47:34 Maryland
Exposure 0.002 Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
29 April 2022:
CockeysvilleRotspottdrossel / Brown thrasher (Toxostoma rufum)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-29 08:27:34 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_082734 birdnet - Brown Thrasher - Brown Thrasher - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
♫ 2022-04-29 08:27:34 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_082734 birdnet - Brown Thrasher - 2022-04-29 08:27:34 - Brown Thrasher - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Singammer / Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
Alternative Klassifikation: Zonotrichia melodia
A-Z Animals
♫ 2022-04-29 08:29:46 Song sparrow, Cherrywood Court.

Carolinazaunkönig / Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-29 08:33:28 Carolina wren sings Figaro.

♫ 2022-04-29 08:35:08 Carolina wren and others.

Myiarchus crinitus / Great crested flycatcher (Myiarchus crinitus)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-29 10:07:06 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_100706 birdnet - Great Crested Flycatcher - 2022-04-29 10:07:06 - Great Crested Flycatcher - Towson.mp3 Maryland (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-04-29 10:07:06 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_100706 birdnet - Great Crested Flycatcher - Great Crested Flycatcher - Towson.mp3 Maryland (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-04-29 10:07:56 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_100756 birdnet - Great Crested Flycatcher - 2022-04-29 10:07:56 - Great Crested Flycatcher - Towson.mp3 Maryland (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-04-29 10:07:56 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_100756 birdnet - Great Crested Flycatcher - Great Crested Flycatcher - Towson.mp3 Maryland (Gesang?)
Carolinaspecht / Red-bellied woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-29 10:28:09 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_102809 birdnet - Red-bellied Woodpecker - Red-bellied Woodpecker - Towson.mp3 Maryland (Gesang)
♫ 2022-04-29 10:28:09 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_102809 birdnet - Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2022-04-29 10:28:09 - Red-bellied Woodpecker - Towson.mp3 Maryland (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-04-29 11:00:21 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_110021 birdnet - Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2022-04-29 11:00:21 - Red-bellied Woodpecker - Hampton.mp3 Maryland (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-04-29 11:00:21 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_110021 birdnet - Red-bellied Woodpecker - Red-bellied Woodpecker - Hampton.mp3 Maryland (Gesang?)
Blaumückenfänger / Blue-gray gnatcatcher (Polioptila caerulea)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-29 11:25:08 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_112508 birdnet - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 2022-04-29 11:25:08 - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Baltimore.mp3 Maryland (Gesang)
♫ 2022-04-29 11:25:08 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_112508 birdnet - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Baltimore.mp3 Maryland (Gesang?)
Goldspecht / Northern flicker (Colaptes auratus)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-29 12:22:29 Quelle: BirdNet 20220429_122229 birdnet - Northern Flicker - Northern Flicker - Baltimore.mp3 Maryland (Gesang)
30 April 2022:
CockeysvilleSingammer / Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
Alternative Klassifikation: Zonotrichia melodia
A-Z Animals
♫ 2022-04-30 07:37:05 Quelle: BirdNet 20220430_073705 birdnet - Song Sparrow - Song Sparrow - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
Indianermeise / Tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)
Alternative Klassifikation: Parus bicolor
A-Z Animals
Es singen: Indianermeise, Carolinazaunkönig, Carolinataube
♫ 2022-04-30 09:38:34 Probably tufted titmouse and Carolina wren, maybe mourning dove.

Rotaugenvireo / Red-eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceus)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto NABU♫ 2022-04-30 09:45:35 Quelle: BirdNet 20220430_094535 birdnet - Red-eyed Vireo - 2022-04-30 09:45:35 - Red-eyed Vireo song, confirmed - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)✔
Zonotrichia albicollis / White-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-30 09:48:51 Quelle: BirdNet 20220430_094851 birdnet - White-throated Sparrow - 2022-04-30 09:48:51 - White-throated Sparrow - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
♫ 2022-04-30 09:48:51 Quelle: BirdNet 20220430_094851 birdnet - White-throated Sparrow - White-throated Sparrow - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Katzendrossel / Grey catbird (Dumetella carolinensis)
Alternative Klassifikation: Muscicapa carolinensis
Auch bekannt als: Gray catbird
Gray catbird.
Gray catbird. 2022-04-30 09:51:08 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Schwirrammer / Chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-30 10:03:12 Quelle: BirdNet 20220430_100312 birdnet - Chipping Sparrow - Chipping Sparrow - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-04-30 10:03:12 Quelle: BirdNet 20220430_100312 birdnet - Chipping Sparrow - 2022-04-30 10:03:12 - Chipping Sparrow - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Indianermeise / Tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)
Alternative Klassifikation: Parus bicolor
A-Z Animals
♫ 2022-04-30 10:27:49 Quelle: BirdNet 20220430_102749 birdnet - Tufted Titmouse - Tufted Titmouse - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Rotkardinal / Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-04-30 10:31:43 Quelle: BirdNet 20220430_103143 birdnet - Northern Cardinal - Northern Cardinal - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-04-30 11:54:22 Quelle: BirdNet 20220430_115422 birdnet - Northern Cardinal - Northern Cardinal - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
01 May 2022:
CockeysvilleContopus virens / Eastern wood-pewee (Contopus virens)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-01 08:44:50 Quelle: BirdNet 20220501_084450 birdnet - Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2022-05-01 08:44:50 - Eastern Wood-Pewee - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
Rotkardinal / Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Northern Cardinal, female. 2022-05-01 09:02:04 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Meisenwaldsänger / Northern parula (Setophaga americana)
Alternative Klassifikation: Parula americana
♫ 2022-05-01 09:06:58 Quelle: BirdNet 20220501_090658 birdnet - Northern Parula - 2022-05-01 09:06:58 - Northern Parula - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
Vireo griseus / White-eyed vireo (Vireo griseus)
White-eyed vireo. 2022-05-01 09:22:26 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ 2022-05-01 09:18:13 Quelle: BirdNet 20220501_091813 birdnet - White-eyed Vireo - 2022-05-01 09:18:13 - White-eyed Vireo - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-05-01 09:28:06 Quelle: BirdNet 20220501_092806 birdnet - White-eyed Vireo - 2022-05-01 09:28:06 - White-eyed Vireo - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
Stelgidopteryx serripennis / Northern rough-winged swallow (Stelgidopteryx serripennis)
Northern rough-winged swallow. 2022-05-01 09:39:08 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Rotflügelstärling / Red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)
Alternative Klassifikation: Oriolus phoeniceus
A-Z Animals
♫ 2022-05-01 10:18:45 Quelle: BirdNet 20220501_101845 birdnet - Red-winged Blackbird - 2022-05-01 10:18:45 - Red-winged Blackbird - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
02 May 2022:
CockeysvilleSchnäpperwaldsänger / American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-02 08:57:40 Quelle: BirdNet 20220502_085740 birdnet - American Redstart - 2022-05-02 08:57:40 - American Redstart - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
Blauhäher / Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-02 08:58:54 Quelle: BirdNet 20220502_085854 birdnet - Blue Jay - 2022-05-02 08:58:54 - Blue Jay - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Carolinazaunkönig / Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-02 11:46:14 Quelle: BirdNet 20220502_114614 birdnet - Carolina Wren - 2022-05-02 11:46:14 - Carolina Wren - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Blauhäher / Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-02 16:11:40 Quelle: BirdNet 20220502_161140 birdnet - Blue Jay - 2022-05-02 16:11:40 - Blue Jay - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
Hausgimpel / House finch (Haemorhous mexicanus)
Alternative Klassifikation: Fringilla mexicana
Auch bekannt als: California linnet
A-Z Animals
♫ 2022-05-02 16:21:57 Quelle: BirdNet 20220502_162157 birdnet - House Finch - 2022-05-02 16:21:57 - House Finch - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
03 May 2022:
CockeysvilleKatzendrossel / Grey catbird (Dumetella carolinensis)
Alternative Klassifikation: Muscicapa carolinensis
Auch bekannt als: Gray catbird
♫ 2022-05-03 08:38:48 Quelle: BirdNet 20220503_083848 birdnet - Gray Catbird - 2022-05-03 08:38:48 - Gray Catbird - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Carolinazaunkönig / Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-03 09:01:44 Quelle: BirdNet 20220503_090144 birdnet - Carolina Wren - 2022-05-03 09:01:44 - Carolina Wren - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Katzendrossel / Grey catbird (Dumetella carolinensis)
Alternative Klassifikation: Muscicapa carolinensis
Auch bekannt als: Gray catbird
♫ 2022-05-03 09:02:06 Quelle: BirdNet 20220503_090206 birdnet - Gray Catbird - 2022-05-03 09:02:06 - Gray Catbird - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Poecile carolinensis / Carolina chickadee (Poecile carolinensis)
Alternative Klassifikation: Penthestes carolinensis
♫ 2022-05-03 10:06:13 Quelle: BirdNet 20220503_100613 birdnet - Carolina Chickadee - 2022-05-03 10:06:13 - Carolina Chickadee - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Singammer / Song sparrow (Melospiza melodia)
Alternative Klassifikation: Zonotrichia melodia
Song sparrow. 2022-05-03 10:15:14 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Katzendrossel / Grey catbird (Dumetella carolinensis)
Alternative Klassifikation: Muscicapa carolinensis
Auch bekannt als: Gray catbird
Gray catbird.
Gray catbird. 2022-05-03 10:16:14 Maryland
Exposure 0.002 Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Rotflügelstärling / Red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)
Alternative Klassifikation: Oriolus phoeniceus
Red winged blackbird, female. 2022-05-03 10:27:30 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Troglodytes aedon / House wren (Troglodytes aedon)
House wren. 2022-05-03 10:34:40 Maryland
Exposure 0.003 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ 2022-05-03 10:31:53 Quelle: BirdNet 20220503_103153 birdnet - House Wren - 2022-05-03 10:31:53 - House Wren - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
Rotkardinal / Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-03 10:43:00 Quelle: BirdNet 20220503_104300 birdnet - Northern Cardinal - 2022-05-03 10:43:00 - Northern Cardinal - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Kanadagans / Canada goose (Branta canadensis)
Alternative Klassifikation: Anser canadensis
Auch bekannt als: Canada geese
♫ 2022-05-03 10:44:14 Quelle: BirdNet 20220503_104414 birdnet - Canada Goose - 2022-05-03 10:44:14 - Canada Goose - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
Indianermeise / Tufted titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor)
Alternative Klassifikation: Parus bicolor
Tufted titmouse. 2022-05-03 10:55:46 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Tufted titmouse. 2022-05-03 10:56:26 Maryland
Exposure 0.001
♫ 2022-05-03 10:57:50 Quelle: BirdNet 20220503_105750 birdnet - Tufted Titmouse - 2022-05-03 10:57:50 - Tufted Titmouse - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Kanadareiher / Great blue heron (Ardea herodias)
Great blue heron. 2022-05-03 11:00:32 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Schwirrammer / Chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-03 11:11:03 Quelle: BirdNet 20220503_111103 birdnet - Chipping Sparrow - 2022-05-03 11:11:03 - Chipping Sparrow - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Wanderdrossel / American robin (Turdus migratorius)
Auch bekannt als: Robin
A-Z Animals
♫ 2022-05-03 13:36:17 Quelle: BirdNet 20220503_133617 birdnet - American Robin - 2022-05-03 13:36:17 - American Robin - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Carolinaspecht / Red-bellied woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus)
Female red bellied woodpecker. 2022-05-03 13:37:28 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Rotkardinal / Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-03 13:41:01 Quelle: BirdNet 20220503_134101 birdnet - Northern Cardinal - 2022-05-03 13:41:01 - Northern Cardinal - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
04 May 2022:
CockeysvilleCarolinazaunkönig / Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-04 10:56:22 Quelle: BirdNet 20220504_105622 birdnet - Carolina Wren - 2022-05-04 10:56:22 - Carolina Wren - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
05 May 2022:
CockeysvilleHelmspecht / Pileated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-05 08:16:33 Quelle: BirdNet 20220505_081633 birdnet - Pileated Woodpecker - 2022-05-05 08:16:33 - Pileated Woodpecker - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
Troglodytes aedon / House wren (Troglodytes aedon)
House wren. 2022-05-05 08:41:08 Maryland
Exposure 0.003 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ 2022-05-05 08:39:31 Quelle: BirdNet 20220505_083931 birdnet - House Wren - 2022-05-05 08:39:31 - House Wren - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Rotkardinal / Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Female northern cardinal. 2022-05-05 08:46:36 Maryland
Exposure 0.002 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Dunenspecht / Downy woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens)
Alternative Klassifikation: Picoides pubescens
Downy woodpecker. 2022-05-05 09:37:50 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Rauchschwalbe / Barn swallow (Hirundo rustica)
Barn swallow. 2022-05-05 09:41:44 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Vogelwarte BirdLife ZH Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto BirdID NABU
Dunenspecht / Downy woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens)
Alternative Klassifikation: Picoides pubescens
Downy woodpecker. 2022-05-05 09:50:04 Maryland
Exposure 0.006 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Carolinazaunkönig / Carolina wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus)
Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-05 15:08:07 Quelle: BirdNet 20220505_150807 birdnet - Carolina Wren - 2022-05-05 15:08:07 - Carolina Wren - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
♫ 2022-05-05 16:30:53 Quelle: BirdNet 20220505_163053 birdnet - Carolina Wren - 2022-05-05 16:30:53 - Carolina Wren - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Blauhäher / Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata)
Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto♫ 2022-05-05 16:33:03 Quelle: BirdNet 20220505_163303 birdnet - Blue Jay - 2022-05-05 16:33:03 - Blue Jay - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Walddrossel / Wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)
Alternative Klassifikation: Hylocichla mustelinus
♫ 2022-05-05 16:36:15 Quelle: BirdNet 20220505_163615 birdnet - Wood Thrush - 2022-05-05 16:36:15 - Wood Thrush - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang)
Rotkardinal / Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Northern Cardinal pair. 2022-05-05 18:12:54 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Poecile carolinensis / Carolina chickadee (Poecile carolinensis)
Alternative Klassifikation: Penthestes carolinensis
Possibly two Carolina chickadees. 2022-05-05 18:19:16 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Rotkardinal / Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Northern cardinal. 2022-05-05 18:19:58 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Walddrossel / Wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)
Alternative Klassifikation: Hylocichla mustelinus
Wood thrush, magnificent singer. 2022-05-05 18:37:08 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
♫ 2022-05-05 18:36:40 Quelle: BirdNet 20220505_183640 birdnet - Wood Thrush - 2022-05-05 18:36:40 - Wood Thrush - Cockeysville.mp3 Cockeysville (Gesang?)
Wood thrush. 2022-05-05 18:37:10 Maryland
Exposure 0.001
♫ 2022-05-05 18:44:16 Wood thrush, beautiful singer, on NCR trail.

Schwirrammer / Chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina)
Chipping sparrow. 2022-05-05 18:58:00 Maryland
Exposure 0.006 Profil Wikipedia eBird A-Z Animals Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Amerikanerkrähe / American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)
American crow. 2022-05-05 19:32:30 Maryland
Exposure 0.001 Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
07 May 2022:
MarylandPoecile carolinensis / Carolina chickadee (Poecile carolinensis)
Alternative Klassifikation: Penthestes carolinensis
Carolina chickadee. 2022-05-07 11:17:12 Maryland
Exposure 0.002 Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto
Piranga olivacea / Scarlet tanager (Piranga olivacea)
Scarlet tanager. 2022-05-07 17:48:58 Maryland
Exposure 0.02 Profil Wikipedia eBird Audubon AllAboutBirds Xeno-Canto