Sarus crane / Saruskranich (Antigone antigone)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: Sarus crane Source: OTHER 1200px-Sarus_crane_%28Grus_antigone%29.jpg
Classification: Genus Antigone; Family Cranes (Gruidae)
General: The sarus crane (Antigone antigone) is a large nonmigratory crane found in parts of the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and Australia. The tallest of the flying birds, standing at a height of up to 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in), they are a conspicuous species of open wetlands in South Asia, seasonally flooded Dipterocarpus forests in Southeast Asia, and Eucalyptus-dominated woodlands and grasslands in Australia.[3] [more]

🔍 No documented observation