Madagascar pond-heron / Dickschnabelreiher (Ardeola idae)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: Madagascar pond-heron Source: OTHER Ardeola_idae.jpg
Classification: Genus Ardeola; Family Herons (Ardeidae)
General: The Malagasy pond heron (Ardeola idae) is a species of heron of the family Ardeidae. They are primarily seen in the outer islands of the Seychelles, Madagascar, and on the east coast of Africa including Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.[2] Being native to Madagascar, this species is often referred to as the Madagascar pond heron or Madagascar squacco heron. The population of this heron is estimated at 2,000–6,000 individuals, with only 1,300–4,000 being mature enough to mate.[3] [more]

🔍 No documented observation