Batis fratrum / Woodward's batis (Batis fratrum)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: Woodward's batis Quelle: OTHER Woodwards_Batis_%28Batis_fratrum%29.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Batis; Unterfamilie Platysteiridae; Überfamilie Corvoidea; Ordnung Singvögel (Passeriformes); Klasse Vögel (aves); Unterstamm Wirbeltiere (Vertebrata); Stamm Chordatiere (Chordata); Reich Chordatiere (Animalia); Domäne Eukaryoten (Eukaryota)
Allgemein: Woodward's batis (Batis fratrum), also known as Woodwards' batis or the Zululand batis, is a species of small bird in the wattle-eyes family, Platysteiridae. It occurs in southeastern Africa where it is found in woodlands and forests. [more]

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