Buteo trizonatus / Forest buzzard (Buteo trizonatus)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: Forest buzzard Quelle: OTHER 1200px-Forest_Buzzard%2C_Buteo_trizonatus%2C_at_Hangklip_Forest%2C_Makhado%2C_Limpopo_Province%2C_South_Africa_%2820761505461%29.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Buteo; Unterfamilie Bussardartige (Buteoninae); Familie Habichtartige (Accipitridae)
Allgemein: The forest buzzard (Buteo trizonatus), is a species of bird of prey found in Africa, though some authorities have placed it as a subspecies of another species, the mountain buzzard, Buto oreophilus. This is a resident breeding species in woodlands in southern and eastern South Africa. [more]

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