White-faced plover / Weißgesicht-Regenpfeifer (Charadrius dealbatus)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: White-faced plover Source: OTHER 1200px-Charadrius_alexandrinus_-_Laem_Pak_Bia.jpg
Classification: Genus Charadrius; Family Charadriidae
General: The white-faced plover (Anarhynchus dealbatus) is a small shorebird predominantly found along the coastal shores of subtropical and tropical eastern Asia.[2] Initially described by British ornithologist Robert Swinhoe, the bird resembles the east Asian subspecies of the Kentish plover (Anarhynchus a. nihonensis) with which it has been much confused[3] and sometimes considered to be a subspecies.[4] [more]

🔍 No documented observation