Woolly-necked stork / Wollhalsstorch (Ciconia episcopus)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: Woolly-necked stork Source: OTHER Woolly-necked_Stork_%28Ciconia_episcopus%29_Photograph_By_Shantanu_Kuveskar.jpg
Classification: Genus Ciconia; Family Storks (Ciconiidae)
General: The woolly-necked stork or white-necked stork (Ciconia episcopus) is a large wading bird in the stork family Ciconiidae. It breeds singly, or in small loose colonies. It is distributed in a wide variety of habitats including marshes in forests, agricultural areas, and freshwater wetlands across Asia and Africa.[2][3] [more]

🔍 No documented observation