Eugenes fulgens / Rivoli's hummingbird (Eugenes fulgens)

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Wikipedia: Rivoli's hummingbird Quelle: OTHER MagnificentHummingbird.jpg
Systematik: Gattung Eugenes; Familie Trochilidae
Allgemein: Rivoli's hummingbird (Eugenes fulgens) is a large hummingbird. It was usually considered the only member of the genus Eugenes and is also called the magnificent hummingbird. Many taxonomic authorities, such as the International Ornithological Committee, split the northern nominate subspecies E. f. fulgens from the larger southern race of Costa Rica and Panama, E. f. spectabilis, into distinct species,[2] in which case the nominate fulgens is renamed Rivoli's hummingbird and spectabilis is named the Talamanca hummingbird or admirable hummingbird. [more]

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