Banded broadbill (Eurylaimus javanicus)

Wikipedia eBird Xeno-Canto

Wikipedia: Banded broadbill Source: OTHER 1200px-Eurylaimus_javanicus_-_Khao_Yai.jpg
Classification: Genus Eurylaimus; Family Eurylaimidae
General: The banded broadbill (Eurylaimus javanicus) is a species of bird in the Eurylaimidae typical broadbill family found in Mainland Southeast Asia and the Greater Sunda Islands. It is sometimes split into two species, one including only the nominate subspecies, E. j. javanicus, and one including all the remaining subspecies. It inhabits a variety of forests, along with forest edge, rubber plantations and Falcataria falcata groves, mainly in lowland areas. A striking, large-bodied bird with a length of 21.5–23.0 cm (8.5–9.1 in), it is unlikely to be mistaken for another species. The broadbill is mostly purplish-red, with yellow-streaked black wings, a bright blue beak, a blackish face and greyish chin and upper breast. Females can be told apart from males by their lack of a black neckband, although these are indistinct in Bornean and Javan males. Despite its conspicuous appearance, the bird is usually hard to see due to its sluggishness and is usually only noticed when it vocalises. [more]

🔍 No documented observation