Eichelhäher / Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius)

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Eichelhaeher for profile. 2020-04-17 08.48.34 Wald Fehraltorf
Systematik: Gattung Garrulus; Familie Krähenverwandte (Corvidae)
Singvögel, Rabenvögel, ■■
Allgemein: Der Eichelhäher (Garrulus glandarius) ist ein Singvogel aus der Familie der Rabenvögel (Corvidae). [more]
Vokalisierung: Large repertoire. Many other social sounds. [Link]
Gesang: Quiet and varied subsong with mimicry, resembling a small passerine heard from both sexes. [Link]
Rufe: Most heard call a short, drawn and very hoarse, raspy sound, often given in quick successions. Also a Buzzard-like, mewing "peeeaaa" (more drawn and less full tone than Siberian Jay). [Link]
Körperlich: Länge=34-35 cm, Flügelspanne=52-58 cm, Gewicht=140-190 g
Habitate: Wald

Gesang: Harsh crow-like call, or quiet questioning, 'grumbling', or plaintive cries.
Gesang Eigenschaften: Melody: nicht musikalisch, schnell, Frequency: medium (1-5 KHz) Special sounds: Krächzen, Mimikry
Rufe: 1: Typically harsh jay call. I would say a contact call usually means 'Here I am', answered by 'Good, here I am.' Listening to two jays in the Swiss mountains of Toggenburg, it sounded like 'HEY IDIOT, HERE I AM...WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?' 'WHAT? YOU HAVEN'T FIGURE IT OUT? OF COURSE I'M OVER HERE. PEABRAIN.' On the other hand, anthropomorphism is always dangerous, usually completely wrong approach.
2: We saw and heard a jay (Eichelhaeher) at the Pfaeffikersee imitating a common buzzard - very cool.

Quelle: XENOCANTO XC97136 - Eurasian Jay - Garrulus glandarius - imitating common buzzard.mp3 (Nachahmung vom Ruf eines anderen Vogels)

Ruf Eigenschaften: Ruf Melodie: einnotig, langsam, Frequenz: medium (1-5 KHz), Spezielle Klänge: Raspel.
Zuerst dokumentierte Beobachtung : 2020-04-17 in Wald Fehraltorf.


Eichelhäher, Ponte Brolla vor Ristorante Enzo. 2020-06-16 18.38.43 Locarno

Weitere Bilder

Eichelhaeher im Hoenggerwald. 2021-03-27 17.09.37 Wald auf dem Hoenggerberg

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